True or False: during INTTAI, we should wait until AFTER the homeowner gives their list before we start tying those things back to what momentum does.
FALSE: We never tie their list to what momentum does. The point of the list is to build towards the concept that the research has been done for them.
When must a Dividend Welcome Call be made?
When the customer is 75+ years old
What is a "UCC-1 Filing" also known as
A mechanic's lein
What 2 partnerships do we mention in company story?
Lowe's and BJ’s
Why don't we prequalify homeowners?
to prevent them from shopping around
What is the two path question for a Cancel at Door?
"Were you looking for a better time or did you find an alternative way to save on your electricity?"
What credit bureau(s) does Sunlight check with during the credit check process?
If the app is not working to submit the bill, what dept do we email it to?
What statistic came from the industry’s top financial partners?
We have the highest post-installation customer satisfaction rating of any company at scale.
Why do we mention that we have our own app?
It demonstrates differentiation and credibility
Identify the true objection: "What if I don't want it in 5 years?"
What if the Next Homeowner Doesn't Want Solar?
How recent does a utility bill need to be for IGS?
less than 6 months
What must be done for a project to reach MVP status?
Paperwork submitted, Engineering visit scheduled, and Validation call completed
Finish the line: "When the panels go on your roof,..."
"Our greatest natural resource, sunlight, hits the panels and they geneate electricity."
We define cerainty as:
The absence of doubt.
What are the 5 steps/points to resolving concerns about the next homeowner not wanting solar?
Empathize; Zillow/Cost of Living; Next Generation of Homebuyers; Not Meeting the Difficult Buyer; Transferability
Which finance partner does not allow concessions?
Explain how tree concessions work.
The homeowner pays for it and is reimbursed upon installation.
Fill in the blank: Our Micro Inverters are about the size of ______.
How does explaining the difference between micro and central inverters help in the sales process?
It builds certainty in a Functioning System while planting landmines of fear about a string inverter system (competition)
Knowing that the utility company comes with a lifetime commitment and isn't free, what is the only thing the homeowner has to give up in the value exchange?
Status Quo
What 3 options do we have if the homeowner has failed credit with every financial partner, what can we do?
Try another person on title; Co-sign with MSES; Cash
Other than at point of sale, when are 3 times the homeowner should be contacted reminding them of their engineering visit, and how?
48 hours prior by email, morning of by text, 30-60 minutes out by phone call
List 10 of the Steps Before the Company Story
Show up to the neighborhood 15 minutes early; Show up to the house 2 minutes early; Smile and wave at the house; Keep off the lawn; Knock exactly on time; Ask if they'd like you to take your shoes off; Get to a table; Get/submit the bill; Find out if all decision makers are present; Build Rapport, Ask for a glass of water; Ask how long they've been looking into solar; Askt the appropriate follow-up question; Set the tone
What impact do the company story, micro versus string, and the insurance conversation have in common?
They provide peace of mind about going with Momentum and they set land mines that create fear of the competitors.