Mastering the Playbook
Getting Past the No
Operational Expertise
Financial Knowledge
Why Behind the Words

What are the 2 most important pieces of great customer experience?

Installation quality and ongoing customer support.


True or False: during INTTAI, we should wait until AFTER the homeowner gives their list before we start tying those things back to what momentum does.

FALSE: We never tie their list to what momentum does. The point of the list is to build towards the concept that the research has been done for them.


Where do we submit the bill when in a home to get our proposal?

Momentum Sales App


When is the first Dividend payment due?

60 days after installation


Why don't we prequalify homeowners?

to prevent them from shopping around


Fill in the Blank: What do you think that it is that the government's top economists are looking at that is making them say, "______ for 4% per year rate increases"?



In INTTAI solar side, who do we pretend to be knocking on your door 10 years from now?

The utility company.


True or False: With square footage proposals, you project will be stipped until a utility bill is provided.



Which partner will finance an LLC?



Why do we ask the homeowner "On a scale of one to ten how important is the proper installation of your system?" 

It gets the homeowner to verbalize that this is their belief.


Finish the line: "When the panels go on your roof,..."

"Our greatest natural resource, sunlight, hits the panels and they geneate electricity."


What MUST we do before asking the two-path question in INTTAI?

Build Rapport


What are four of the factors used in designing an irradiance map? 

Azimuth; Pitch; Slope; Tilt; Roof Space; Shading; Geographic Location; Historical Weather Patterns


How recent does a utility bill need to be for IGS?

less than 6 months


How do we make inflation real and inevitable in the mind of a homeowner? 

We get them to tell us (by following the 3 circles script).


How do other companies cut corners on Insurance? 

They just get a general liability policy, or they let the worker’s comp. portion lapse.


What are the 4 ways that Momentum makes it's money? (lease)

Federal incentive; State incentive; Depreciation of an asset; New lower monthly payment


Explain how tree concessions work.

The homeowner pays for it and is reimbursed upon installation.


How is MSES used differently in NY and FL compared to our other TPO markets? 

In Florida and New York markets we use MSES for leases, but in all other markets where we offer TPO we use MSES for power purchase agreements (PPAs).


What is the prupose of the Inc and Deloitte 500 paragraph of the comapany story?

To build certainty in Momentum by drawing a correlation between growth and quality of work.


List 10 of the Steps Before the Company Story

Show up to the neighborhood 15 minutes early; Show up to the house 2 minutes early; Smile and wave at the house; Keep off the lawn; Knock exactly on time; Ask if they'd like you to take your shoes off; Get to a table; Get/submit the bill; Find out if all decision makers are present; Build Rapport, Ask for a glass of water; Ask how long they've been looking into solar; Askt the appropriate follow-up question; Set the tone.


When a homeowner asks for an unrealistic concession, why would it be a mistake to call a manager and ask for it?

The homeowner will believe it’s possible and that YOU were simply unable to get it for them.


What do we do if the IGS validation call dept is closed?

Schedule a time with  your customer for the following morning to complete the call with IGS.


Why is it important to factor in all sources of income the first time checking credit with Dividend?

Correcting it and trying a second time will require proof on income and will be stipped without it.


What impact do the company story, micro versus string, and the insurance conversation have in common?

They provide peace of mind about going with Momentum and they set land mines that create fear of the competitors.
