what is a food mammy does NOT like
Before he hurt his collarbone, Tatty was an avid...
What was the supper that mammy made that tatty didn't like but ate anyways
where did mammy and tatty get married
by the yeshiva in mtl, and the hall was shomrim laboker
How old was mammy when she got married
Where did mammy go to seminary
Bais Rivkah NY
where did tatty first become a chaplain
S. Lukes
what are mammy and tatty's favorite tea flavors
mammy- peppermint
tatty- decaf earl grey
what was the "niggun" sung at mammy and tatty's sheva brachos
Old macdonald
How old was Tatty when he went to camp for the first time
5 years old
7. What do you have to make sure a shoe is before you buy it
Where was tatty born (what hospital)
Lefferts general, now BR elementary
How many kids did mommy and tatty have when they moved out of the 2 bedroom
5 kids
Who made mammy and tatty's shidduch
Bubby Ushpol and Sholom Ber Minkowitz both suggested
How old was tatty when he got married
Where was mammy a head counselor bc Zaidy said its the right thing to do
Pardas Chana
where did tatty go on merkos shlichus with mammy's cousin
Hong Kong China, Kobe Japan and the Phillipines
How many times did mammy and tatty move houses
8 times (basement in mtl, apt in ch, apt in fondren, 1955, 1953, 1955, 2015 Goldsmith, 1953 University)
Where were mammy and tatty almost going to move after they got married
hong kong china, or yerushalayim to have a chabad house by the tzemach tzedek shul
How old was peretz when mommy and tatty moved to houston
3/4 months old
What year was mammy a counselor in a foreign country, and what year
Antwerp Belgium, 1988
Where did tatty go to zal
first year London, and then after morristown
Exactly how far apart are mommy and tatty in age
3 years, 11 months, 11 days
where was mommy's wedding gown from
Ten Yad
How old was mammy when she went to california as a counselor