What month did Totty BUY 400 Yorkhill?
How many years in Toronto did Mommy teach in daycares?
Where was the CHUPPAH?
Chabad of Howard County
What month did we MOVE to 400 Yorkhill?
For which Moisad did Mommy work from home? (in Toronto)
Menachem Educational Foundation (MEF)
What month was the L'chaim?
How many years did we live in Crown Heights?
How many schools in Toronto has Mommy taught in?
Which schools?
1. Beis Chaya Mushka
2. Cheder Chabad Toronto
3. Torah Tots
4. Gan Ketantanim
Where was the CHASUNAH?
Ten Oaks Ballroom
What year did we leave Detroit?
What was Totty's job in Detroit?
Menahel of the Zal
Who was Mesader Kidushim?
Zeidy Rosenblum
What day did we move to 400 Yorkhill?
11 Shevat
How many year's did Totty teach in Ohr Temmim?
Who were the Eidim? (at least one)
Eli Backman