What do I like to do when I have free time
Sleep, read, workout
What is my go to order at most restaurants?
Chicken parm
What are my favorite TV shows? (all time)
The challenge, greys anatomy, law and order SVU
Two places I would like to travel to
Costa Rica and Australia
Who do I like for Elena stephan or Damon
What was my favorite family vacation (our family)
Bahamas, Atlantis
What are my favorite fruits?
Bananas and canteloupe
My two favorite challengers from the challenge?
Cara Maria and CT
Type of vacation I like
Mix of planned activities and relax time
What is your cousin Dani’s middle name
Who took Lily to the hospital in the Bahamas?
What do I usually eat at a rest stop?
Subway turkey sandwich
My favorite concert of 2024
Pink or Sabrina carpenter
how Long am I usually at the gym
60 to 90 minutes
How did mama ask me to marry her (setting)
Wrote it in the sand on a beach at sunset!
What did Lily find exciting/interesting at the hospital?
Drinking apple juice out of a Diet Coke can!
My favorite appetizer
Anything chicken!
Favorite Disney movie
The little mermaid
How long is my daily dog walk
30 minutes
What city was I born in?
Quincy MA
What is my favorite area in Orlando?
Harry Potter area
What does Nana usually get for us when we visit Massachusetts?
My favorite movies
8 mile, Dirty Dancing, Girl interrupted
Place we usually go for vacation yearly
What was mama and my first date?
Brockton fair