Le conseiller (male or female)
Who is the school counselor (male)?
La salle de classe
What is the classroom?
La science
What is science?
Il est une heure et quart du matin
What is 1:15am?
Le gymnase
What is the gymnasium?
La directrice (male or female)
Who is the principal (female)?
La bibliotheque
What is the library?
Les mathematiques
What is mathematics?
Il est midi.
What is noon or 12:00pm?
Education physiques
What is physical education?
La conductrice (male or female)
Who is the bus driver (female)?
Le bureau
What is the office?
What is English/Language arts?
Il est trois heures quarante sept dans l'apres-midi
What is 3:47pm?
Le secretaire (male or female)
Who is the secretary (male)?
Le directeur adjoint (male or female)
Who is the vice principal (male)?
La cour de recreation
What is the playground?
Les etudes sociales
What is social studies?
Il est onze heures moins quart du soir
Il est neuf heures vingt-six du matin
What is 9:26am?
L'enseignante (male or female)?
Who is the teacher (female)?
Le couloir
What is the hallway?
Le francais
What is French?
Il est minuit moins dix.
What is 11:50pm?
L'ecole primaire
What is elementary school?