What day and time does Monarch Recovery's Meeting take place?
What is Monday 7pm?
Founder of Alcoholics Anonymous
Who is Bill Wilson (Bill W.) or Dr. Robert Holbrook Smith (Dr. Bob)?
Substance with a high death rate in the U.S., higher than suicide
What is Fentanyl?
A place to go to "dry out"...
What is Detox/Rehab?
Meditation, mindfulness, exercise, therapy calling a sober friend, and thinking of consequences are all examines of this useful tool in recovery
What is a coping skill?
Being of service at a meeting level
What is a commitment?
What is the first form of reaction?
What is Insanity?
Ther term used when an individual has both a substance use disorder and a mental health disorder
What is Co-Occurring Disorder?
A person, place, thing or event that can result in psychological and then physical relapse.
What is a trigger?
What is the "opposite of addiction?"
What is connection?
A phase in the beginning of recovery where individuals feel euphoric and overly optimistic about recovery, often followed by challenges.
What is "the pink cloud?"
Don't quit before this happens?
What is "the Miracle?
Answers to all of our problems....
What is Acceptance?
How many years until you are no longer considered a new comer?
What is 5 years?
The goal is P_________ not P_________.
What is Progress not Perfection?
A powerful desire for something that usually passes.
What is a Craving?
This is the only requirement for membership in the NA fellowship.
What is the desire to stop using?
What is the most important thing to have going into the recovery process?
What is Willingness?
Our brain learns by R_________ and R_________
What is Repetition and Reward?
What weighs 1000lbs?
What is the phone?
Opposite of Fear
What is Faith?
What is the cardinal rule of all AA/NA meetings?
What is Anonymity?
An apology without change is ______.
What is manipulation?
Our _____ keep us sick.
What are secrets?
What is P. A.W. S.?
What is Post-Acute-Withdrawal-Syndrome?
Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results is called?
What is Insanity?
What state was AA started?
What is Ohio?
What step involves a daily inventory?
What is the 10th step?
A behavioral syndrome characterized by the repeated, compulsive seeking or use of a substance despite adverse, social, psychological, and/or physical consequences, and a need for an increased amount of the substance as times goes on to achieve the same effect
What is Addiction?
The step you have to practice every single day.
What is Step 1?
The experience of having episodes of delusions or hallucinations as a results of substance abuse or a certain psychiatric disorder?
What is Psychosis
Something greater than themselves in recovery
What is a Higher Power?
What are the alternatives to recovery?
Hint: there are 3.....
What are Jails, Institutions and Death?
Where was NA created?
What is Los Angeles, California?
What does the Triangle represent in NA?
What is Unity, Service, Recovery?
Professional specializing in treating mental & emotional disorders is known as...
What is Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Therapist, Counselor?
Addiction is a disease of this body part...
What is the brain?
Housing that many perople choose to live in after completing in-patient treatment
What is Sober Living?
Process by which the body rids itself of a drug...
What is Detoxification?
Used to combat heroin/opiate overdose...
What is Narcan or Naloxone?
What year was NA created?
When was 1953?
What is the number one action to get outside of self?
What is being of service or helping others?
What does HALT stand for?
What is Hungry, Angry, Lonely and Tired?
What does TMS stand for?
What is Transcranial magnetic stimulation?
The withdrawal from these two substances can be fatal?
What is Alcohol and Benzos?
With continued substance abuse the brain will stop producing this brain chemical that enables pleasure..
What is Dopamine?
The most important person at any NA meeting.
Bonus 100 if you can say why
Who is the new comer?
What is Because we keep what we have by giving it away?
When was AA originally created?
When was 1935?
What is one of the biggest factors in maintaining long term sobriety?
What is a strong support system, or network?
An international peer-led mutual aid fellowship dedicated to abstinence-based recovery from alcoholism through its spiritually-inclined Twelve Step program.
What is AA?
How many kids does Tyler Bowman have?
What is 2?
What is Monarch Recovery's Slogan?
What is Grow, Evolve, Transform?
What does IOP stand for?
What is Intensive Outpatient Program?
Similarities not ____________
What are Differences?
Who originally formed NA?
Who is Jimmy K.
This means the physical and/or mental dependence on a particular substance(s) or activity
What is Addiction?
What is the opposite of Addiction?
What is connection?
Who is Monarch's Case Manager?
Must have first and last name
Who is Melissa Szul?
Who thought of the name Monarch Recovery?
Who is Shaun Belanger?
Who is Monarch's admissions coordinator?
Must have first and last name correct
Who is Scotty Roberts?
What does H.O.W stand for?
What step is it when a person with time dates a new comer?
What is the 13th step?
This increases as you continue to drink/use, requiring you to need more of your substance to feel the same high.
What is Tolerance?