Which classroom are Ms. Emily and Ms. Alisa in?
Who is Ms. Judy's coteacher in 161?
Ms. Dulce
Who is the Occupational Therapist (OT) at Monarch?
Ms. Lacey
Which students are in room 163?
Nico, Jonathan, and Victor
When does Ms. Hien see Ethan for 30 minutes?
What classrooms did Ms. Hien used to work in?
160 & 163
What are the names of the teachers in room 223?
Ms. Alessia, Mr. Tyler, and Ms. Eunice
Who works with the Butterfly students for speech?
Ms. Ann
Which students are in room 252?
Jack, EJ, Kasey, Lea
What is Ms. Hien's favorite show?
Doctor Who
What classroom did Pedro move from in August 2018?
Who teaches creative drama and music class?
Ms. Adrienne
Who is the music therapist?
Ms. Naejeong
Who is Ms. Jessica B.'s (248) student?
Where was Ms. Hien born?
What classroom were Ms. Alessia and Mr. Tyler in at the beginning of the year in August 2018?
Who teaches art class in Butterfly?
Ms. Paige
Who is the director of Therapy Services and Program Director of Chrysalis?
Ms. Sharon
Who was born in Sicily, Italy?
When is Ms. Hien's birthday?
April 23, 1993
What classroom did Ms. Melissa and Ms. Karla move to in 2019?
Who are the teachers in room 243?
Mr. Martin, Ms. Morgan, and Mr. Landon
Who is the Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA)?
Ms. Cece
Who is the new student from room 133?
What is Ms. Hien's last name?