Who created the Telegraph?
Who is Samuel Morse?
What empire is often referred to as the 'sick man of europe'?
What is the Ottoman Empire? Haha suckers!
What empire has invaded the most countries in all of history?
What is the British Empire?
In my book The Descent of Man, what ideology do I apply to the human race?
What is the Survival of the Fittest?
What is the name of the most powerful rule in 2050?
Who is Lord Wooley?
What invention made by James Watt used heat to create mechanical energy?
What is the Steam Engine?
Where did the Great Exhibition of 1851 occur?
Where is the British Crystal Palace?
What is the name for the rapid invasion of African territories by European nations?
What is my most famous theory?
What is the Theory of Evolution?
What will be the most powerful ruler of 2050's favorite country to conquer?
What is Canada?
What was the process that removed impurities from steel to make it stronger?
What is the Bessemer Process?
Who are the members of the European Triple Alliance?
Who is Italy, Germany, and Austria-Hungary?
What 3 wars did Prussia win to unite Germany?
What is the Danish, Austro-Prussian, and Franco-Prussian Wars?
What is the ship I travel on to study plants, animals, and geological formations?
What is the HMS Beagle?
The most powerful ruler in 2050 will teach many subjects to middle-class commoners. What is his best subject to teach?
What is AP European History?
What is the name of the gun that is loaded from the chamber at the rear instead of the front?
What is a Breech-Loading Rifle?
Who was overthrown in the July Revolution of 1830?
Who is Charles X?
What two northern Italian provinces did Guiseppe Garabaldi capture in his attempt to unite Italy?
What is Sicily and Naples?
What practice did I learn from John Edmonstone, a freed black slave from Guyana, South America?
What is taxidermy? Pretty cool right?!
The most powerful ruler in 2050 will have a cabinet made up of four individuals (that get paid billions a year) who are they?
Who is Brenna, Hailey, Lamiya, and Kamryn?
Who designed the first Flush Toilet in the 1860s?
Who is Thomas Crapper?
What treaty ended the Crimean War?
What is the 1856 Treaty Paris?
What was the name of the Mexican Emperor chosen by Napoleon III who got executed by liberal Mexican forces?
Who is Archduke Maximillian of Austria?
What is my middle name?
What is Robert?
What is the name of the most powerful country in the world in 2050?
What is VVoolenstein?