What is a trigger?
something/someone that causes a painful memory to resurface.
Correct Answer 200
What is a coping skill?
methods a person uses to deal with stressful situations.
This is the best tool for time management in early healing
creating a relaspe prevention plan
Setbacks are a sign of failure
racing heart, sweating, brain fog, shortness of breath are signs of what
panic attack
What is an internal trigger?
thoughts and feelings
What are 3 examples of healthy coping skills?
deep breathing
positive affirmations
indiviudals who provide each other with encouragement, comfort, and advice.
support group.
once implemented daily, skills are easier to use when in crisis situations.
activities, support, attitude, management, and spiritually
what are ways to build a positive lifestyle
Fear, worry, sweating, heart racing, and active fight/flight mode.
What are signs you are triggered
what does SLIP stand for?
what should be included in your relaspe prevention plan
coping skills
support group info
Adderall® is the most abused drug, after marijuana use, by 12th graders (annual use) according to the Monitoring the Future Survey in 2014
Adderall® is a stimulant drug that, when abused and taken non-medically, can lead to addiction and tolerance which requires the person to take more and more of the drug. As addiction occurs, teens and young adults eventually abandon Adderall® and use a more powerful, stronger, and more available stimulant drug such as methamphetamine.
Correct Answer gets 600
what are types of boundaries name 3
rigid, porous, healthy, intellectual, emotional, sexual, material, and time boundaries
Correct Answer Gets 900
what is an external trigger?
people, places, and things.
Once people are addicted to prescription drugs, they often switch to heroin because it’s cheaper and easier to get.
Correct Answer 800
what are 3 types of relapses
staying in bed, isolation, abusing alcohol/drugs, avoidance is what
unhealthy coping skills
A belief, emotion, attitude, feeling or reaction to a situation that puts you at risk for relapse.
What is an urge or craving
Correct Answer 1000
The skill that helps you stay present in the moment by not becoming overwhelmed by your emotions and to not avoid your emotions.
Correct Answer 1000
negative emotional states, negative thought patterns, social pressures, relationship difficulties, and major life changes.
what are high risk areas of relapse.
avoid situations/places/people that you know will put you at risk for relapse.
accpeting what is not in your control and embracing what is happening now in a non judgemental way
radical acceptance