Sober Relapse
The Road to Re
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Why is addiction considered a process?

It is not an event at a single point in time.               For some people, it is a slow process.                       For others, it is quick.                                        Either way, it is a process made up of many small steps and decisions. 

Correct Answer 300


Why is a tendency toward isolation considered a relapse warning sign?

Some people become isolated and avoid other people. 

Some people have "good" excuses to avoid dealing with other people.


Why is "I don't care" syndrome considered a relapse warning sign?

On the outside, some people might say, "I don't care" and "I don't need or want your help."

On the inside, however, they feel scared, abandoned, and helpless; they have a very poor self-image; and they want someone to care about them. 

Correct answer gets 500


I am from the month of December. I am not a holiday. I am the only month that has this. What am I?

the letter "d"

Correct answer gets 1000


What is the name of the Earth’s largest ocean?

Pacific ocean


What is sobriety? 

Sobriety is learning to make many small decisions that lead away from alcohol and other drug use. 


Why are compulsive attempts to impose sobriety on others considered relapse warning signs?

You can give 2 answers

Some people have very strong, negative opinions about other people who drink alcohol or use other drugs (whether or not they are addicted). Some people comment on the quality of the recovery of other recovering addicts. Some people focus more on others than themselves. 

Correct answer gets 2000


Why is conscious lying considered a relapse warning sign?

Some people lie about the details of their recovery, treatment, or alcohol and other drug use. 

Correct answer 600


Why can't you trust the law of gravity?

Because it will always let you down


Which two countries share the longest international border?

USA and Canada 

correct answer gets 600


Is Relapse an event or process? What is relapse? 

Relapse is a process.

It is a series of decisions in the direction of alcohol and other drug use. 

Correct answer gets 600


Why are thoughts of using considered relapse warning signs?

After experiencing both positive and negative feelings for the first time in years, some people remember that drugs helped medicate the negative feelings. 

Correct answer 900


Why is wishful thinking considered a relapse warning sign?

Some people feels that fantasy replaces reality. 

Instead of planning and working for a goal, some people have fantasies of being rescued or of escaping and starting over. 

Correct answer gets 900


You see a boat filled with people. It has not sunk, but when you look again you don’t see a single person on the boat. Why?

all the people are married

Correct answer gets 900


In The UK What is the day after Christmas known as?

Boxing Day 

Boxing Day was traditionally a day off for servants - a day when they received a special Christmas box from their masters.The servants would also go home on Boxing Day to give Christmas boxes to their families.

Correct Answer gets 1200


When does relapse usually occur?

The decision to relapse is usually made long before somebody has a drink or uses a drug.

Correct answer gets 800 


Why is self-pity considered a relapse warning sign?

Some people become obsessed with self-pity, constantly talking about how bad the system is, claiming they are being mistreated, and even hiding behind conspiracy theories. 

Correct answer gets 800


What is an example of a relapse decision?

you can give 2 examples

"I am back in control now. I'll be able to stop drinking or drugging when I want to."

"My alcohol or use of other drugs just got out of control. I will do it right this time."

"Things are different now. I will only use at parties."

Correct answer gets 1200


There is a clerk at the butcher shop, he is five feet ten inches tall, and he wears size 13 sneakers. He has a wife and 2 kids. What does he weigh?


Correct answer gets 800


How many hearts does an octopus have?


Correct answer gets 1600


Why is fear of failure a relapse warning sign?

Some people have a fear and uncertainty about their ability to stay clean. 

Some people lack confidence in their ability to stay sober. 

Correct answer gets 1000


Why is tunnel vision considered a relapse warning sign?

Some people view their lives in isolated pieces rather than as a whole. Some people tend to focus on one problem area and ruminate about how bad it is.   Some people focus on a negative area to the point that they feel helpless or feel as though they are being treated unfairly. 

Correct Answer 1500


Why are unreasonable resentments considered a relapse warning sign?

Some people become incredibly and unreasonably angry at the world in general, focusing their anger on others as well as themselves. 

Correct answer gets 2000


What is seen in the middle of March and April that can’t be seen at the beginning or end of either month?

the letter "r"

Correct answer gets 2000


The day before yesterday I was 21, and next year I will be 24. When is my birthday?

December 31; today is January 1.

Correct answer gets 3000
