Where was Bob Dylan born?
Duluth, MN
The Man in Black
What is the most popular Gibson guitar model?
Les Paul
What was Alex Trebek's job before becoming the Jeopardy! host?
What year did Minnesota become a state?
When did Bob Dylan release his first album?
Which family member of Johnny's died from an accident at work?
Brother Jack
Guitar strings today are typically made from steel or nylon. What did they used to be made out of?
Animal Intestines
How many Emmys has Jeopardy! won?
What country were the first explorers who discovered Minnesota from?
Who awarded Bob Dylan the Presidential Medal of Freedom?
Barack Obama
What was the name of the famous musician that Johnny Cash married?
June Carter
Did Jimi Hendrix play the guitar left- or right-handed?
If a participant has competed on Jeopardy!, what game show can they not compete on?
Wheel of Fortune
What was the first major US outpost in Minnesota called?
Fort Snelling
How many Grammys has Bob Dylan won?
What branch of the armed forces did Johnny serve in?
Air Force
What is the most strings a guitar can have?
What is the most common Jeopardy! category?
Before and After
Who was the famous Minnesotan who became Vice-President of the United States?
Hubert H. Humphrey
Where did Bob go to college for a year?
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Where did Johnny buy his first guitar?
How many guitar strings would be needed to stretch around the Earth?
What is the record for most consecutive 'Jeopardy!' games won in a row?
The largest mass execution in US history took place in Minnesota. In what city did the execution take place?