I have a meeting in 20 minutes
Sense of Urgency
How many shows can I record at one time with AT&T TV?
I'm the king of the world!
What credit company will unblock a customers credit for 24 hours for us to sign them up?
If I am talking to a TV & internet customer, what is the first question I will ask?
How many TVs does Spectrum service for you?
I can go online & find all of this information, right?
If a customer is watching Netflix on one TV, how many additional streams will she have when she watches AT&T TV?
Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates.
Forrest Gump
What are the 2 reasons for the "1002 system error"?
AT&T TV ordering system on the iPad is down, Call KCC
OR Something is wrong with the credit card you entered (name, address, CVC #, etc)
Create problems, find hot spots, and create a relationship
Do I have to do this today?
Fear of Loss
If a customer logs into their smart TV & watches a show on Bravo through the Bravo app, how many additional streams are available on AT&T TV at that time?
There's no crying in baseball!!
League of their Own
If you get the error message "AT&T Subscription Required" when trying to sign a customer up, what is the problem?
Wrong username
How do I ask the question about 'dead spots' in the customers home to create a problem?
"I was talking to Kim down the street, she was saying that on her back porch, she doesn't get her wi-fi signal that great, where are your dead spots in your house, places where you don't get the internet connection that well?"
Hey what's up dawg, I got some Mac & Cheese on the stove!
Sense of Urgency
After you sign the customer up, how long will go by before they receive the AT&T TV box?
48 hours
If you build it, he will come
Field of Dreams
What can "Wufoo" be used for?
Any changes that need to be made after the sale is made.
Name 2 places during the "Now" Side of the Bill Pres where it is easy to create a relationship with the customer.
Asking what sort of channels / shows / sports teams the person likes.
Asking what they do for work
Asking about kids: home schooling, what they like to do, etc.
Gaming - what sort of games they like to play
Which of my neighbors has it?
What package do you sign a customer up with if the wife loves "Hallmark Movies & Mysteries" & the husband loves sports?
Choice, add movies pack for $5/month
You're killin' me smalls
What are the 3 possible "supervisor" names used to clear an NCVC pop up message? ***DAILY DOUBLE: Double points if Supervisor ATTUID included***
Colin Murphy CM457B
Amacka Emry AM2587
Richard Martinez RX9674
If a customer has TV & Internet with Spectrum, what price do we want to 'price guess' that they are paying?
$180 - $200 / month