Addictive thinkers tend to anticipate _____.
Disaster OR The Worst
Correct answer 500
If Stolen 700
One feature of addictive thinking is the illusion of being _____.
Only the person who picked can answer with no help from their team
In Control
Correct answer 1000
Incorrect answer 200 to the other team
Staying away from people keeps the addict safe from what?
Correct answer 500
If Stolen 1000
How many zeros are in ten-million?
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Right or Wrong Question
Correct answer 700
Wrong answer 500 to the other team
The recovering person should understand that ____ is a guarantee that things will fall apart and they may lose all that they gained in sobriety.
What is Using
Correct answer 400
If Stolen 600
_____ means providing good reasons instead of true reasons.
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What is rationalization?
Correct answer 800
Incorrect answer 200 to the other team
The last of the most common elements of addictive thinking. This means placing blame on others for things we are really responsible for ourselves.
What is projection?
Correct answer 600
If Stolen 800
What is Bibliophobia?
Right or Wrong question
If you answer wrong the other team will get points
Fear of books
Correct answer 1000
Wrong answer 1200 to the other team
_______ can start as a defense to justify using alcohol and drugs, or to cover up problems, or to create reasons to use.
What is manipulation?
Correct answer 600
If stolen 900
Many addicts have great difficulty admitting what?
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When they are wrong.
Correct answer 900
Incorrect answer 300 to the other team
Mood-altering drugs ____ feelings.
Correct answer 900
If Stolen 1200
What is the human body's largest organ?
Right Or Wrong question
If you answer wrong the other team will win points.
The Skin
Correct answer 1200
Wrong answer 2100 to the other team
Addicts often feel ____ rather than guilt.
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What is shame?
Correct answer 1200
Incorrect answer 400 to the other team
Addicts seem to have difficulty with this emotion, even when they are sober. Of course, when under the influence, this emotional reaction may be very severe.
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What is anger?
Correct answer 1600
Incorrect answer 400 to the other team
Addicts often feel that ____ is just not good enough. They feel that the normal rewards and pleasures of life are just not enough. The addict feels that something is missing and they are being cheated.
Correct answer 400
If Stolen 800
What protein are fingernails made out of?
Right Or Wrong Question
If you answer wrong the other team will win points.
Correct answer 1600
Wrong answer 2000 to the other team
If the recovering person was able to think _____, he/she would understand that things are going well and there is no reason to expect that things will suddenly all fall apart again.
What is logically,rational, coherent, reasonable, sensible, analytical, good,
Correct answer 1000
If Stolen 1500
This occurs when a person who has a legitimate reason for feeling anger does not feel it at all. This is as unnatural as not feeling pain when cut with a sharp object.
What is Repression?
Correct answer 1500
If Stolen 2000
Addicts entering recovery must realize that getting sober will not be enough to make everything rosy. The addict must learn to change his/her ______ to more realistic ones. The real world isn't all dazzling colors, but it isn't all drab and gray either.
Correct answer 500
If stolen 2000
How many bones do giraffes have?
Closest wins
answer must be between 130-200
Winner gets 2000