Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
Test 4

With the invention of irrigation, people..

A. were able to specialize in a single occupation

B. became more busy and had to take on multiple occupations

C. began to develop more egalitarian societies

A. were able to specialize in a single occupation


How does the following section of the textbook fit with recent scholarship?

Most scholars still assign a prominent, if not predominant, role to the Aryans...In all these areas they proved to be important catalysts in the diffusion of such technologies as iron working and the horse and chariot.

A. The textbook is up to date, recent scholarship has confirmed this.

B. Recent scholarship does not take a strong position either way on this issue.

C. The textbook is dated, it continues to follow ideas promoted by Nazis.

C. The textbook is dated, it continues to follow ideas promoted by Nazis.


What was depicted on the walls of the Temple of Dendur? 

A. We cannot be sure because hieroglyphics cannot be properly translated

B. An Egyptian pharaoh was depicted as a Roman emperor

C. A Roman emperor was depicted as an Egyptian pharaoh

C. A Roman emperor was depicted as an Egyptian pharaoh


How long did the impact of the Salt and Iron Debate last in Japan? 

A. Tang

B. Meiji (1868)

C. Han

B. Meiji (1868)


Who is your professor?

Dr. Holloway 


Which of the following is true about the code of Hammurabi?

A. The code of Hammurabi was very complex and couldn’t be deciphered without modern computers.

B. The code of Hammurabi listed laws but not punishments.

C. The code of Hammurabi listed laws and punishments.

D. The code of Hammurabi is not specific, it only describes general principles of justice.

C. The code of Hammurabi listed laws and punishments.


Is there a problem with the textbook describing Early China as isolated?  Answers will be: Yes it is a problem or No it is not. 

A. Yes, the complete isolation of China during the early period is not fully explained.

B. Yes, the areas on the early maps that connect to Chinese civilization are small, the area was very diverse.

C. No problem, the textbook deals with this issue properly.

B. Yes, the areas on the early maps that connect to Chinese civilization are small, the area was very diverse.


Which civilization was the first in Africa to adopt Christianity as its official religion? 

A. Axsum

B. Egypt

C. Meroe

A. Axsum


According to Tacitus, how did Rome rule Germanic regions? 

A. They imposed Roman law on the area

B. They allowed them to continue their system of tribal laws

C. They provided everything in translation because the Germanic regions were unable to learn Latin

B. They allowed them to continue their system of tribal laws


What is your TA's name

Ethan Truman


Four key areas where agriculture first appeared were...

A. Egypt, India, China, Italy

B. We really do not know where agriculture first appeared

C. the Fertile Crescent, Egypt, India, China

C. the Fertile Crescent, Egypt, India, China


What does the Mandate of Heaven mean in China? 

A. Being morally right makes a government strong

B. Being strong lets a government decide what is morally right

C. It is essentially the Divine Right of Kings like in Europe

A. Being morally right makes a government strong


What does the word Ubuntu mean to people in South Africa?

A. It is not about harmony, it is a belief in punishment for crimes such as those who supported apartheid

B. It represents harmony, even when this involves people who supported apartheid

C. It represents harmony, but does not include people who supported apartheid

B. It represents harmony, even when this involves people who supported apartheid


Aside from being an excellent album, what is the Magna Carta?  

A. It gave all free men the right to trial and contributed to the formation of Parliament.

B. It is the system of government William the Conqueror brought to England

C. It increased the power of the King and gave him the right to levy taxes as he wished.

A. It gave all free men the right to trial and contributed to the formation of Parliament.

What sections does your TA teach?

A. 002 and 006

B. 003 and 007

C. 004 and 008

D. 005 and 009

A. 002 and 006


Where was the first city according to the textbook?


B. Mesopotamia

C. Troy

D. Egypt

B. Mesopotamia


What is the relationship between Harappan religion and later Hinduism? 

A. There is no continuity, Hindu religious symbols are all new.

B. There is continuity, Harappan religious symbols continue to be used in Hinduism.

C. Scholars do not speculate about this issue since too little is known

B. There is continuity, Harappan religious symbols continue to be used in Hinduism.


Which leader met with Alexander the Great, and then converted to ______?

A. Chandragupta…Jainism

B. Ashoka…Buddhism

C. Ashoka…Jainism

D. Chandragupta…Buddhism

A. Chandragupta…Jainism


How does the textbook describe manorialism and feudalism? 

A. Manorialism is more political feudalism is more economic

B. Manorialism and feudalism are both political systems

C. Manorialism and feudalism are both economic systems

D. Manorialism is more economic feudalism is more political

D. Manorialism is more economic feudalism is more political


What was the minimum word count for your papers? 

1500 words


Commoners and enslaved people received identical legal protections in the laws of Hammurabi as elite members of society.

A. True

B. False

B. False


What does the thesis of the the Olmec article support as to why San Lorenzo was abandoned? 

A. They ran out of the large stones they needed to carve their monuments.

B.The population exceeded its local resources making the population difficult to maintain.

C. An invasion occurred laying waste to San Lorenzo, a lowland location that was difficult to defend.

B.The population exceeded its local resources making the population difficult to maintain.


What is Plato's Allegory of the Cave? 

A. The cave is a symbol of Spartan life where life was brutal and difficult. Plato believed that Athenian society was superior and Spartans were like cavemen.

B. People are forced to watch shadow puppets, it is not real, but it is familiar. Therefore, they do not want to know the truth of their world.

C. Caves are places where it is difficult to see the reality of the world, but by spending time there we can improve our ability to know our world.

B. People are forced to watch shadow puppets, it is not real, but it is familiar. Therefore, they do not want to know the truth of their world.


How long did the impact of the Salt and Iron Debate last in China? 

A. Tang Dynasty

B. Han Dynasty

C. Meiji in 1868

A. Tang Dynasty


What were my office hours?

Wednesday-Friday 2:00-3:00pm
