What are bacteria?
unicellular prokaryotes
What are saprophytic bacteria, or decomposers?
Bacteria that obtain nutrients by decomposing the remains of living beings in the environment.
What is Kingdom Protoctista?
The kingdom formed by eukaryotic unicellular and multicellular organisms.
What are algae?
Eukaryotic organisms that can be unicellular or multicellular. Their cells have chloroplasts and cell walls, similar to plants.
What are fungi?
Organisms formed by eukaryotic unicellular or multicellular organisms whose cells do not have chloroplasts and do have cell walls.
Types of nutrition
Autotrophic and heterotrophic
What are symbiotic bacteria?
Bacteria that obtain nutrients from other living things that they provide some benefit to.
What are protozoa?
Microscopic unicellular organisms whose eukaryotic cell is similar to that of animals.
What is chlorophyll?
A green pigment common in algae.
What are yeasts?
Microscopic unicellular fungi used to make bread.
corkscrew-shaped bacteria
What are parasitic bacteria?
Bacteria that take nutrients from other organisms, causing them illness or disease.
What is a flagellum?
A movement mechanism of protozoa characterized by long strands that move like a whip.
What are red and brown algae?
Two types of algae that have pigments that hide chlorophyll.
What are saprophytic fungi?.
Fungi that obtain nutrients by decomposing the remains of living things
Bacteria curved in the shape of a comma.
What is asexual reproduction?
Reproduction by repeated cell division (the process by which bacteria reproduce).
What are malaria, sleeping sickness or amoebiasis?
Examples of diseases caused by parasitic protazoa.
The type of nutrition exhibited by algae.
autotrophic nutrition
Name the parts of a fruiting body
cap,stalk, gills, hyphae, ring
Two examples of important functions of helpful bacteria.
they promote good intestinal function; they purify wastewater;they process waste; they oxygenate water and the atmosphere; they can be used to makie cheeses, yoghurt, or vinegars.
What are bacteria that create their own organic matter through photosynthesis?
Autotrophic bacteria.
What is the type of nutrition exhibited by protozoa?
heterotrophic nutrition
What is agar?
A substance produced by some algae, used to thicken food ant to cultivate bacteria in a lab.
Two examples of functions of helpful fungi.
They provide nutrients to plants, provide food or alcoholic drinks to humans, and produce antibiotics