The piece of paper you get from your job.
What is a check.
Hatches from an egg before going into a chrysalis.
What is a caterpillar.
What is evaporation.
A Plan with a bank that helps people save or spend money.
What is an account.
Lauren buys 3 Kit Kats and gives one to Mariah. How many Kit Kats does she have left?
What is 2 Kit Kats.
The job Mark had in our reading.
What is a grocery bagger.
Caterpillars eat these to grow bigger.
What is leaves.
When water vapor falls from clouds.
What is precipitation.
A business that helps people keep their money safe.
What is a bank.
Autumn has 4 Tiny Geenies and buys 2 more. Have many total Tiny Geenies does she have now?
What is 6 Tiny Geenies.
A synonym for job.
What is work.
Changes happen to the caterpillar.
What is inside the chrysalis.
Water vapor that helps to form clouds.
What is condensation.
What people use to buy things.
What is money.
Jorell has $5, Benjamin has $6, how much money do they have all together?
What is $11.
Another job Mark thinks about for his future.
What is a video game store.
You can often see butterflies around.
What is colorful flowers.
A Synonym for buoyancy.
What is float.
To use money to pay for things.
What is spend.
AJ has 5 ice creams. He gives one ice cream to Rudy and one ice cream to Mrs. Weaver. How many ice creams does he have left?
What is 3 ice creams.
To get money for doing work.
What is earn.
This winged friend flies around at night.
What is a moth.
Made of 50% water.
What is our bodies.
To keep money for the future.
What is save.
Maddox wants to buy a Vitamix blender. He has $10. He needs $15. How many more dollars does he need?
What is $5.