Spend less money
to tighten one's belt
Spend all your money on basic needs
Live hand to mouth
Be priveleged
Be born with a silver spoon in your mouth
Be very cheap
Be dirt cheap
Dispute or bargain over the cost of something
Live in very conformable conditions
Live in the lap of luxury
Spend more money than you have in your bank account
Be in the red
business or invention that returns a good level of profit every year
Cash cow
Be rich
Be well off/ be rolling in it
Look for the most suitable item or service for the lowest price
Shop around
Earn just enough money for your needs
Make ends meet
Cost a lot of money
cost earth/cost an arm and a leg
to make money for very little effort
money for old rope
Have no money at all
be broke
Going shopping for a long time which makes you exhausted
shop until you drop
Pay too much money for something
Pay through the nose for something
work for little or no pay
work for peanuts
Just to be able to manage, especially when you have financial difficulties
keep your head above water
have very little money
hard up
Spend a lot of money on something that you do not need
splash out
Make a lot of money
Make a killing/Make a fortune
Be very poor
to live on the breadline
Experience hardship, especially financial/esp. you are earning less than before
Feel the pinch
not be worth the price
a rip-off
To buy or take something or someone quickly or eagerly because it is cheap or exactly what you want
Snap up