What is Jayla favorite pie?
Pecan Pie
when was the last time Payson fell off her bed?
Monday morning
What is the Address of this house?
109 N Washington St
When was the first thanksgiving?
What is Payson's favorite Thanksgiving food?
the whole dang turkey
Is Emma a good driver?
no she is terrible
what is Emma's nickname/nicknames
elmer, emerson, edgar
When do you start decorating for Christmas?
December 1st, at least after thanksgiving
What is the most liked pie out of us?
Pumpkin pie
How many times does Brandon fart a day?
43 times
Whats the coolest thing in the house?
The crawl spaces upstairs
what is the least liked food on thanksgiving?
Cranberry Sauce
What is the most popular pie in the USA?
Apple Pie
What cant Jadie see?
A curb
What is Jadie's middle name?
What is most used apple in apple pie?
Granny Smith
Who made the first pie for Thanksgiving?
British Immigrants
what is the most common saying in the house?
Your fat, Slave get to work, Monkey
How long have we been living in this house?
What is 182 days?
How much food is wasted from Thanksgiving?
about 200 million pounds