Plot 1
Self Identity
Plot 2
Justice System/Injustice

What problem is Steve facing in the beginning of the book?

He is being tried for felony murder, but claims he is innocent.


Who is the name of the person that is in court with Steve?

James King


Why is Steve being called a monster by the jury, judge, and general community?

He is a young, black man in Harlem being accused of murder. Despite him not being proved guilty, he's stereotyped.


What actually happened during the crime? What was stolen?

They robbed the store, getting the cashier to hand over money before shooting him. They left with a couple bucks and some cartons of cigarettes.


This is the type of evidence that includes witness testimonies and video footage used in Steve's trial.

What is testimonial and visual evidence?


What is Steve writing over and over in the notepad during the trial?



Who is labeled as "the Snitch"?

Richard "Bobo" Evans 

What did O'Brien say was the ultimate goal for Steve in the courtroom?

She said his goal was to not be classified with Bobo and King, to separate himself from the image of the stereotyped violent, black man.


How many years could he possibly get for felony murder?

25 years to life.


How does Steve get arrested and how does that affect him?

Steve's arrested in his own home after being snitched on. He's arrested in front of his whole family with no explanation of what crime he's being arrested for. This leaves him confused, scared, and humiliated. 


What does O'Brien do when Steve goes in to hug her at the end of the book?

She stiffens up and turns away to grab her things.


What is Steve's brother's name and how is their relationship?

His name is Jerry and they are extremely close, his brother looks up to him.


How does the young female juror's reaction to Steve impact him?

Her being scared of him makes him feel like a monster, as violent as everyone says he is. He starts crying, putting his head down out of shame.


What was Steve's supposed role in the planned robbery?

To lookout and watch for police.


How are the court officers and staff treating Steve's case?

They weren't giving the trial their all, court staff was falling asleep and distracted during the trial, guards would make cruel jokes about the case's "obvious outcome" and attempt to pass the time. They didn't care about his case, assumed he was guilty.

What did Bobo and King do directly after the robbery?

They went to get fast food, chicken and wedgies.


Who is Osvaldo and how does he impact Steve's trial?

He's a 14 year old kid who accompanied the crime. He's testifying against Steve, giving explicit accounts of him committing the crime. The jury is also able to compare Steve and him, seeing how they're both similar.


How is the general community taking this case?

People are upset, but not surprised. Violence is prominent in the area and preconceived notions about black men leads to this.


This person represents Steve Harmon and tries to prove his innocence. 

Who is Kathy O'Brien, Steve's defense lawyer.


What were O'Brien's intentions and how did she help Steve?

She truly wanted Steve to get out of this situation, whether he was guilty or not. She never treated him like a monster, but also didn't overly praise him. She did everything in her power to prove his innocence, training him to say the "right" thing during his account.


What is Steve's hobby/escape?

Film. He uses the idea of making a movie out of his experience to get through the trial.


What did Osvaldo Cruz have to do to become a member of the Diablos?

He had to fight someone who is already a member and "leave your mark" on a person (cut a random person with a knife where it shows).


Why is it ironic that O'Brien is trying to get Steve to not seem like Bobo and James in the eyes of the court?

Steve used to idolize Bobo and Jame's courage and suave, that's what lead him to this predicament in the first place.


How does Steve's father act when he comes for visitation? 

Steve's dad was extremely disappointed in him. He started crying reminiscing on Steve's childhood and all that he expected of him.

Why was O'Brien worried about Bobo Evan's appearance affecting people perspective of Steve?

He showed up to testify against him wearing a prison jumpsuit. He's already an established criminal, connecting him to Steve makes him look guilty too.
