what person can use magic and usually depicted as old women with green skin?
Character wakes up in hospital, discovers zombies everywhere, a dramatic show.
The Walking dead.
This movie consists of a guy that teaches a female character to sing opera.
Phantom of the Opera.
How do we chase away the monster Frankenstein?
This is a three headed dog that protects the gates of the underworld
what person is know as count and is the most famous Vampire of them all?
what is this animal that is a big primape that can take on godzilla called?
A show full of monsters that make a living on scaring others.
Monsters inc.
how do you deal with a werewolf?
Silver bullets or Sliver weapons
These creatures lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music to their death
This monster only forms on a full moon and they are closely related to dogs?
This show consists of vampires, werewolves, and hybrids. Main characters are two brothers and a girl who can't decide.
Vampire Diaries
Vampire has daughter who turns 118 and can't learn to let go.
Hotel Transylvania.
How do you get rid of a Vampire?
A stake to the Heart
What is the name of the one eyed monster that attacked a weak Hercules in the Disney movie Hercules?
This character has two separate personalities. One that is reasonable and human, the other that is always wanting evil and inhumane?
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Stranger things
Paranormal investigators come to the assistance of the Perron family, who experienced increasingly disturbing events in their farmhouse.
The Conjuring
What are zombies not capable of doing?
Climbing ladders
What is the half man and half Horse being called?
What is the name of the giant lizard that destroys cities?
Two brothers that go on a hunt for monsters, making and losing friends on the way as well as escaping death.
Don't feed them after midnight.
Don't get them wet.
Never expose to sunlight.
According to survival guides, what do you do when a zombie apocalypse occurs?
Remain Calm
what is the monster that can turn someone into stone just by looking at the monster?