The state bird of Montana.
What is the Western Meadowlark?
The term for giving an inanimate object human characteristics.
What is Personification?
The theme from 'Elk Thirst'.
What is the interconnectedness of Nature.
Browning is home to this Native American tribe.
Who are the Blackfeet?
This poem is about a girl's perception of herself based on her outward appearance and how she fits into her culture.
What is Blonde?
The state tree of Montana.
What is the Ponderosa Pine?
This is defined as the emotional meaning of a word, beyond it's literal definition.
What is connotation?
The theme for 'Blonde'.
What is complexity of identity.
This is the easternmost Native American reservation in Montana.
What is the Fort Peck Reservation?
This poem is about the interconnectedness of nature and how a drought can affect more than just the water levels, but also the trees, grasses and wildlife.
What is 'Elk Thirst'?
The state flower of Montana.
What is the Bitterroot?
This is defined as the literal or dictionary meaning of a word.
What is denotation?
The theme from 'Just Wrinkles'.
What is aging and/or the passage of time.
This Native American tribe is the well known tribe to live in the Yellowstone River Valley.
What is the Crow tribe?
This poem challenges the negative connotation of aging and the associated changes to our skin and faces. The poem attempts to convince us that they are instead markers of a rich and full life, or a map of a lifetime's worth of experiences.
What is 'Just Wrinkles'?
This Montana city is known as the cowboy capital.
What is Miles City, MT?
This is defined as the author's attitude towards what they are writing, it can be anything, some examples are: happy, sad, celebratory, and congratulatory.
What is the Tone?
In 'Wrinkles,' this symbol had to stretch and curve in order to store a lifetime's worth of emotions.
What is the pouch?
Sitting Bull was a prominent chief of this tribe.
What is the Sioux (also known as the Lakota)?
All of these poems exhibit a literary device where a sentence or phrase continues from one line to the next, creating rhythm and suggesting an introspective and continuous thought process.
What is enjambment?
Montana means this in Spanish.
What is Mountain?
This is defined as the emotional setting of the text, the feeling that the reader gets.
What is the mood?
The personification that is explicitly tied to the title character in 'Elk Thirst'.
What is '... drink the sky.'?
Rocky Boy is shared by two tribes. Name one of them
The Chippewa and the Cree
These poems were all written by poets from what state?