How many core classes should you have each year
Is a foreign language required for graduation?
No. It is recommended for college purposes.
What does Erin's Law cover?
Erin's Law ensures all school staff and students are trained in mandatory reporting of child abuse which includes sexual abuse, physical abuse, neglect, and emotional abuse.
What are ways to see Mrs. Walker?
Request a meeting, talk to your teacher, email, come by, or leave a note under the door.
Can social media have an impact on colleges giving me scholarships and athletic offers?
Is taking an Honors or AP class mandatory?
No. AP or Dual Enrollment courses are only required for advanced endorsement.
How many courses must you take for graduation to meet the requirements for CTE(Career Tech)/FA(Fine Arts)/FL (Foreign Language)?
You must have three courses that fall in any of those areas.
What is the Jason Flatt Act?
Jason Flatt Act covers suicide prevention. If you know of a peer that is struggling and/or is self harming, please let an adult know.
Ask. Listen. Tell
What issues can Mrs. Walker help with?
Academic Concerns, Social Concerns, Career Development, and other issues that arise.
What math and science courses are required for advanced endorsement? How many years of foreign language are required?
Algebra II/Statistics & Chemistry
2 Years of the same foreign language
How many electives should you have each year?
What does CTEC stand for?
Career Technical Education Center
What is the Jamari Terrell Williams Act?
Student Harassments and Bullying Prevention Act
Does Mrs. Walker deal with attendance and Powerschool logins?
No. Mrs. Blake, our registrar works with attendance concerns and is able to provide you with your Powerschool login.
What tests should you take if you are interested in going to college? What test should you take if you are interested in the military?
What three electives are required for graduation?
Career Preparedness, Beginning Kinesiology (PE), and Health
What Fine Art classes do we offer?
Art, Band, Media Arts, Choir, Theater
What is a bystander?
A person who sees bullying/harassment occurring and does nothing to assist and does not report it to an adult.
What is the school counselor's main priority?
YOU.....The student.
What are the basic admissions GPA and ACT scores for most four year colleges?
2.5 GPA and 20 ACT
How many credits are required for graduation?
What Career Technical programs do we offer?
Agricultural Science; Hospitality & Tourism (Culinary Arts); Business Marketing; Computer Science
Where can you report bullying and harassment?
Visit our district website to complete a bullying report if you feel you are victim of bullying or harassment, or report it to an administrator or counselor.
Is everything the counselor talks to you about private?
Almost always, unless...
1. Someone is hurting you
2. You threaten to harm someone else
3. You are harming yourself
Are colleges interested in whether you have advanced or standard diploma?
No, colleges look at GPA, ACT, and the strength of the curriculum.