Who was the woman to decline a white man her seat on a bus
Rosa Parks
What year did the Bus Boycott start?
A. 1954 B.1912 C.1955 D.1969
What happened when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to the white man?
She got arrested and fined
What does Boycott mean?
a non violent protest where people refuse to support a person, organization, or product
Who was the African American minister who led the Montgomery Bus Boycott?
Martin Luther King JR (MLK)
When did the Montgomery Bus Boycott end?
A.1955 B.1960 C.1956 D.1969
How did the bus boycotters get around without taking the bus?
they organized Taxis and car pooling program
Black people at one time would have to give up their seat on a bus to white people if the bus was full.
Fact or cap?
How old was Rosa parks when she refused to give her seat to a white man.
A.16 B.22 C.42 D. 36
What month did the Montgomery Bus Boycott start?
A.January B. February C. December D.October
Where did the Bus Boycott, where 40,000 black bus riders refused to ride the bus, take place?
Montgomery, Alabama
Black people were the biggest source of income for the Montgomery bus system
Fact or cap.
NAACP (National Association of the Advancement of Colored People)
What year did the supreme court rule that segregation on buses was unconstitutional?
A.1969 B.1960 C.1956 D.1982
How did the white community respond to the bus boycotters?
they responded with violence and intimidation.
Give a example of extreme risk that was taken when Rosa Parks didn't get up for the white man.
Death, arrest, verbal assault, getting fined