The name of one of Disney's theme parks...
Disneyland OR Disney World
The name of any famous Canadian hockey player...
Wayne Gretsky, Austin Matthews, etc.
The purpose of the Month of Giving...
to fundraise for those in need.
That feeling of tomorrow...
The first Disney princess...
Snow White (1937)
The Olympian with the most Olympic medals...
Michael Phelps
Cameron's three colours...
Red, green, gold
Candy Grams cost...
It's green and pink, and came out this month...
Wicked, the movie
Moana 2
The number of holes in the standard golf course...
The number of students at Cameron to the nearest hundred...
The date of the holiday assembly...
Dec. 20
The title of the song featuring the lyrics 'wait, they don't love you like I love you'
The total number of Disney princesses...
The date (7-day leeway) that the regular NBA season ends...
13 of April 2025
The year that Cameron Heights was founded...
Which of these is not a dress-up day for MoG?
a. ugly sweater day
b. grade colour day
c. pyjama day
c. pyjama day
Dear Diary...
Today I caught my man chopping bare tings in Dundas Square...
The name of one of the two former official Disney princesses...
Tinker Bell (Peter Pan) OR Esmeralda (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
The number of races in a modern Formula 1 season...
The highest letter that Cameron Heights hallways reach...
Where does the Month of Giving money go to?
Gaels for Gaels