What month means "time of all grass"?
Tło’tsoh - June
Why do we call Mínii’Chíídn "“ghost face"? ́́
During the month of Mínii’chíídn, the spirits walk around once the jonna’ai goes down.
Name all four seasons in Jicarilla
Hai - Winter
Daa- Spring
Shii - Summer
Daa’kee - Fall
Spell February in Jicarilla
I t s a i z h a a
How do you say "and" in Jicarilla?
What month means "Evil minds"?
Minii Chiidn - March
Why is February called Itsáízháá?
February is the time baby eagles are born.
Name the three months that are in Daa
Minii’ Chiidn
It’aana Tsoh
Spell July in Jicarilla
G a a d o l o
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What month means "leaves are curling?"
It’áánshchílii - October
Why do we call It’aanałchiłdéé (April) - the time when the red leaves bud ?
In, It’aanałchiłdéé (April) the tree’s grow red buds. It is the time when daa happens.
Name the three months that happen during Shii
How do you spell September?
G o - J i i - y a a
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What month means " Harvest feast?"
Go-Jii-Yaa - September
Why do we call November "Shoh hiigai?"
In the mornings, the grass, leaves, and windows are covered in frost. It is a sign Hai is coming.
Name the three months that happen during Daa’kee
Shoh Hiigai
How do you spell Tuesday?
M a a l d i s
When is Jicarilla day?
February 11
What month means " The time of frost?"
Shoh hiigai - November
Why did we change the name of the months June and December?
The names were in Spanish. We wanted to use only the Jicarilla Language.
Name the three months that happen during Hai
How do you spell Thursday?
I c h ’ e n e e d z o o
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