This feline soared through space while a repetitive but catchy tune played in the background.
What is Nyan Cat?
This Hispanic-American was the youngest woman to ever be elected to Congress. She has also played among us!
Who is AOC?
What does QSA stand for at Acalanes?
What is Queer Student Alliance.
This 5th period superstar is the president of two equity clubs.
Who is Zoya?
This grocery store was purchased by Amazon in August of 2017.
What is Whole Foods?
What is turtles / I like turtles.
This composter, lyricist and actor created a groundbreaking hip-hop musical that saw its first performance in 2015.
Who is Lin-Manuel Miranda?
Name all of the grades' corresponding music genres for their Homecoming themes.
What is:
Seniors: Rock
Juniors: Country
Sophomores: Pop
Frosh: Hip Hop
This 5th period board head just received the Leadership Blanket.
Who is Lauren?
This residence appeared in a film that competed with Oppenheimer for sales at the theater.
What is Ken's Mojo Dojo Casa House.
This 2016 trend used a moving videographer, with a seemingly paused time scenario, while in action.
What is the mannequin challenge?
These flour based hand pies are filled with a variety of savory or sweet fillings.
What are empanadas?
Name a Joe at Acalanes High School.
Who is Joe Schottland, Joe Terhar, Joe Reidenbach, or Joe Colachico.
This student support freshie shares the name with a weapon in Valorant.
Who is Marshall?
This stringed musical instrument has a round bottom and is often accompanied by the fiddle and cowboys.
What is a banjo?
This hottest viral hit of the summer of 2007 published on YouTube was a metaphor for racism against African Americans in the United States.
What is Chocolate Rain? BONUS: Who sang this song? (Extra +100/-100)
This American labor leader and civil rights activist was featured in an article that was read during the 2022-2023 school year at Acalanes High School in the AP English Language and Composition course taught by Heller Stanton.
Who is Cesar Chavez
The year was Acalanes was built in. (Within a decade)
What is 1940?
This 3rd period student is the only member of Jazz Band in leadership.
Who is Sabrina?
What is wholeheartedly.
This statement was made when Viner Adam Perkins walked into his bathroom in nothing but his boxer shorts.
What is "Hi, welcome to Chilis."
Some believed that this beverage evolved from a Mexican cocktail called the "Tequila Daisy."
What is a margarita?
What each letter stands in the acronym that accredits Acalanes once every few years.
What is Western Association of Schools and Colleges?
This newcomer has a name that is similar to an ice cream place that can be found in Moraga or Orinda.
Who is Lourdes?
This brother is a sucker for all the subliminal things no one knows about you.
Who is Joe Jonas?