High Classical Athens
Late Classical Athens
Hellenistic Athens
Early Roman
Late Roman Athens
The artist who designed and created the famous gold and ivory cult statue of Athena Parthenos.
(Who is Phedias?)
Along with Stymphalos (in Arkadia) and Oropos (in Attica), the only other ancient Greek example is found in the Agora in Athens.
(What is a water-clock?)
The governor of Athens installed by Kassander, famous for passing a number of sumptuary laws prohibiting excessive displays of wealth.
(Who is Demetrios of Phaleron?)
Besides the obvious 5th century (Classical) form of many buildings, these suggest that many of the monuments in the Early Roman Agora were taken from elsewhere in Attica.
(What are masons’ marks?)
The rich benefactor from Marathon who built an odeon and refurbished the Panathenaic Stadium all in marble?
(Who is Herodes Atticus?)
After the Parthenon, it contains the most sculpture of any Greek temple.
(What is the Temple of Hephaistos?)
The building that Lykourgas completed, adding stone seats and a new Temple of Dionysos.
(What is the Theatre of Dionysos?)
One of only two buildings built in the Agora in the third century BC, it was constructed in the NE corner of the square largely from architectural fragments taken form the dismantled South Stoa I
(What is the Square Peristyle Building?)
Besides the Library of Pantainos, the monument which is dated with precision owing to the epithets provided for the emperor Trajan on the dedicatory inscription.
(What is the Monument of Philopappos?)
The structure built with the remains of the buildings destroyed in the Agora in the sack of the city in AD 267.
(What is the Post-Herulian Wall?)
The Greek name for the large stone on the steps of the Royal Stoa on which all official oaths were taken.
(What is the lithos?)
The first ancient Greek building to use the Corinthian Order on its exterior.
(What is the Lysikrates Monument?)
The only building in the Agora fully reconstructed in modern times, it is the home of the Agora Museum.
(What is the Stoa of Attalos?)
The building in the SE corner of the Agora that was one terminus for the Hadrianic Aqueduct.
(What is the Nymphaion?)
The large building in the Agora built during the Late Roman Period and decorated with the Giants and Tritons which originally adorned the Odeon of Agrippa.
(What is the Gymnasium?)
Buildings which the ancient sources imply had to be large, have seats, and an open roof.
(What are law courts?)
Located next to the Archaic law court, it was the second fountain house to have been built in the Agora.
(What is the Southwest Fountain House?)
The building located on the South Slope of the Acropolis that was built with stone imported from Pergamon?
(What is the Stoa of Eumenes?)
The building that the Ionic capitals from the monopteros of Roma and Augustus on the Acropolis directly copied.
(What is the Erectheion?)
The location of the large philosophical school known as Omega House?
(What is the Areopagos Hill?)
The small temple outside the city on the Ilissos River that closely resembles the Temple of Athena Nike on the Acropolis.
(What is the Temple of Artemis Agrotera?)
The two gates in the Kerameikos between which the Pompeion was constructed?
(What are the Sacred and Dipylon Gates?)
The building material of which the entire Tower of the Winds was constructed?
(What is Pentelic marble?)
Located directly north of the Roman Market, the building that contains 100 columns of Phrygian marble?
(What is the Library of Hadrian?)
Located in the Library of Hadrian, it is the earliest Christian church to be built in Athens.
(What is the Tetraconch Church?)