What is suicide? What is a suicide attempt and what is suicidal ideation?
- wanting to kill yourself
- tried to kill self but failed
- thinking or planning suicide constantly
What are the risk factors associated with suicide?
- genetics
- chroonic illness/ pain
- gender
- age
- drugs/alcohol
- social isolation
- unemployment
- loss of relationship
- hx of trauma/ abuse
How is suicide diagnosed?
Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale
What are the pharm and non pharm treatments for suicide?
- depressants >SSRI (side effect > may have suicidal tendecies)
- mood stabilizers
- antipychotics
- group therapy
- personal therapy
- family therapy
As a nurse, what should you do if a pt is suicidal?
- promote safety immediately
- place room in suicide precautions
- main goal is to remain free from injury