This is made of both living and non-living things
What is an ecosystem?
When something changes but stays mostly the same
What is stability?
1 out of 3 meals come from them with their help
How many meals are made possible with the help of honey bees?
What is decrease in population?
The largest ecosystem in the world
What is the ocean?
When a population increases rapidly
What is explosion?
Creating bee hives to disappear
What is Colony Collapse Disorder?
More births than deaths?
What is increase in population?
The Earth is covered by 75% of it
What is water?
Parts interacting with each other to make a whole
What is system?
They live in bees and make them weak by consuming their needed fluids
What are parasites?
Births and deaths are the same number
What is stability in a population?
Who was the Dodo Bird?
A small part to represent the whole
What is sample?
An insecticide that is very harmful to bees
What is neonicotinoid?
Organisms are always dying and living
What is happening in a population?
2/3 of it live in the ocean
What is species?
Putting a square in the reef and counting or observing the animals in that square to represent the whole reef
What is quadrant sampling?
24% of it represents neonicotinoid
What percentage of global insecticides does neonicotinoid represent?
It is a system
What is an ecosystem?