What is Chuseok?
1. National Foundation day 2. Mud Festival
3. Spring Festival 4. Harvest -Full Moon Festival
The name of the calendar based on moon phase
Lunar Calendar
Kanji for "moon"
1) 日 2) 月 3) 火
#2 is correct.
#1 means "sun" and number 3 "fire"
The image Japanese people see in the face of moon Answer in Japanese.
Rabbit is a half point 5points
When do Koreans celebrate Chuseok?
1. In Spring 2. In Summer
3. In Autumn 4. In Winter
What is an old man's occupation in the Princess Kaguya story?
A bamboo cutter
Number of days for one round of moon phase
29.5 days ( 30 days is also correct)
The other meaning of Kanji for "moon"
1) star 2)dark 3) month
#3 is correct.
Star in Kanji is 星.
dark in Kanji is 暗.
Two items Japanese people display for Tsukimi
Susuki (pampus grass) and dango (dampling)
the approximate age of the moon
4.5 billion years old
The meaning of Kanji ”明” that is combined the meaning "sun" and "moon".
1) bright 2) earth 3) flower
1) bright is correct.
2) earth is 地球
3) flower is 花
The number used in the name of the most beautiful full moon to view
Juugo, 15