Gilded Age
Rise of a World Power
Progressive Era
Roaring 20s
Great Depression
Immigration to the United States increased steadily  from 1850 to 1900. More than 5 million people entered in the 1880s, swelling urban populations.
 What is immigrants

The years of World War I which was triggered by assassination of like Archduke Ferdinand ended with the Treaty of Versailles.

 What is 1914-1918 

A political movement in the early 1900s which saw reform efforts such as child labor laws, minimum wage, rights for women, and political reforms such as initiative and referendum.
What is the Progressive Era
 (1863-1947) This person helped to create a mobile society by mass producing and marketing the automobile, making it an indispensable part of American life.
Who is Henry Ford
A severe economic hardship that begin with the stock market crash in 1929 and continued until World War II. Banks failed and too many people had too little money to make ends meet. Many Americans were unemployed.
 What is the Great Depression 
 Children were viewed as laborers throughout the 19th century. Many children worked on farms small businesses, mills, and factories.
 What is Child Labor 

 After years of neutrality during World War I, the US entered the war because of Germany’s attempt to try to dominate see power in the Alantic ocean using _____ ______ ______.

 What is Unrestricted Submarine Warfare 

 Guaranteed the direct election of Senators by the voters. In the case of a vacancy a special election is called to fill the vacancy.
 What is the 17th Amendment 
 A scandal in the administration of President Harding. The Secretary of the Interior, Albert G. Fall leased oil reserves in Wyoming to oilmen who paid him kickbacks worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.
 What is the Teapot Dome 
A novel by John Steinbeck portraying the plight of migrant agricultural workers in California during the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl.
 What is the Grapes of Wrath 
 Established by an act of Congress in 1887 this outlawed discrimination against shippers and the practice of one carrier charging more for short hauls then for long ones.
 What is Interstate Commerce Commission 

 (1850-1920) A senator from Massachusetts supported American expansion as a way to increase national pride, spread civilizations, and thereby gain world power.

 Who is Henry Cabot Lodge

 The process by which special interest groups through voter participation can propose bills to their legislator for a vote.  Voters can force lawmakers to deal with difficult issues. 

What is Initiative 

(1887-1986)  this person became the most noted representational expressionist painter in America. Her famous works concentrated on scenes of the southwest.
Who is Georgia O’keefe 
 FDR‘s plan to end the Great Depression. Bills passed during the first 100 days of his presidency in 1933 stressed the “the 3 R’s” of relief, recovery, and reform.
What is the New Deal
(1820-1906) This woman was a leading force in the women’s suffrage movement for 50 years.
 Who is Susan B. Anthony 
 (1860-1948) This man was sent to Mexico to apprehend Pancho Villa in 1914; He led the American Expeditionary Force during World War I.
Who is John J. Pershing
 Preserving natural resources by limiting commercial development and ensuring their wise use. Areas of scenic beauty or scientific, geological, or biological interest are preserved as parks.
 What is the Conservation of Natural Resources 

(1902-1974) This person made aviation history when he flew the specially build airplane, The Spirit of St. Louis, nonstop from St. Louis to Paris in 1927.

 Who is Charles A. Lindbergh 
(1882-1945) Contracted polio in 1921 and went on to become president of the United States. During his first 100 days, proposed the New Deal in an effort to counter act the effects of the Great Depression. He was president during most of World War II.
 Who is Franklin Delano Roosevelt 
(1835-1919)  One of the richest man in the world who shared his wealth to worthy causes aiding education, international peace, libraries, cultural centers, research, and publications.
 Who is Andrew Carnegie 
 The last major offensive of World War I under General Pershing where 1/10 of all US troops died over a period of 42 days due to rough terrain, heavy machine gun fire, and inadequate training.
 What is the Battle of Argonne Forest 

 A process by which voters approve bills offered by the legislator. Controversial bills such as tax increases can be put to a public vote before becoming a law.

What is Referendum 


 (1857-1938) The most renown defense attorney of his time; defended John T. Scopes who is charged by fundamentalist for violating a Tennessee statute against teaching evolution in schools.

Who is Clarence Darrow
A legislative initiative proposed by FDR to add more justices to the United States Supreme Court.
What is FDR’s “Court-Packing Plan”