A student saw his classmate vaping in the bathroom, and his classmate offered it to him. Because this student knows vaping is not for him, he refuses and returns to day-to-day.
Obedience and Punishment Orientation
Moral reasoning is based on avoiding punishment. Actions are judged as good or bad based on the consequences they bring to oneself.
A student saw his friend cheating and told because he believes rules are rules.
Law and order
Good Interpersonal Relationships
Morality is based on gaining approval from others. People act to fulfill social roles and expectations, valuing trust, caring, and loyalty.
A person decides to fight for the right of dogs to drive cars because he believes laws can be changed.
Socal contract and Individual rights
Social Contract and Individual Rights
Individuals understand that laws are social contracts that can be changed if they do not promote the greatest good. They value individual rights and the welfare of the community.
Who wrote this theory?
A girl turns her friend into the police because she brought a gun to school.
Conventional Morailty
Universal Principles
At the highest stage, moral reasoning is based on abstract reasoning using universal ethical principles. Individuals follow these principles even if they conflict with laws and rules, emphasizing justice, equality, and human dignity.
If I only tell because someone or myself can get hurt what am I practicing?
Conventional Morailty
A citizen protesting against a law they disagree with, but peacefully doing so and within the legal framework.
Social contract
Individualism and Exchange
At this stage, individuals recognize that there is not just one right view. They see morality as a kind of exchange, where actions are determined by individual interests and rewards.
If I follow rules strictly what am I practicing?
Law and order