The application of ethics to real-world problems.
What is applied ethics?
An ethical theory that determines the morality of something based on a person's character.
What is Virtue Ethics?
The ethical theory that determines morality based on the overall utility for the greatest number of people?
What is Utilitarianism?
The fathers of Utilitarianism.
Who are Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill?
A decision about what one should do in a morally problematic situation.
What is a moral judgment?
Study of ethical behavior and is the branch of philosophical ethics that investigates questions regarding how one ought to act.
What is Normative Ethics?
The ethical theory that determines the morality of something based on the expression of impartial caring for other people in the community.
What is Mohism?
An ethical theory that determines the right thing to do based on what is good for an individual.
What is Ethical Egoism?
The unit of measure that Jeremy Bentham used to determine if the consequence for the greatest number of people is morally acceptable.
What is pleasure?
A situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two courses of action (or horns), either of which entails transgressing a moral principle.
What is a moral dilemma?
The study of moral thought and moral language.
What is metaethics?
An ethical theory that claims that the end always justifies the means.
What is ethics of Consequences?
A form of utilitarianism that says an action is right if it conforms to a rule that leads to the greatest good.
What is Rule Utilitarianism?
The unit of measure that John Stuart Mill used to determine if the consequence was morally acceptable.
What is happiness?
A reason, idea or theory on which a statement, action, and/or conclusion or moral judgment is based.
What is a premise?
The assumption that someone, or some living being, counts morally.
What is moral status?
An ethical theory that determines the right thing to do based on how aligned ones actions are aligned or follow God's command.
What is Divine Command Theory?
An ethical theory that claims an act is right if and only if it results in at least as much overall well-being as any act the agent could have performed.
What is Act Utilitarianism?
The Utilitarian philosopher who claims that all human and non-human animal suffering counts.
Who is Peter Singer?
The quality of an argument that uses correct logical reasoning to make a true conclusion derived from true premises.
What is valid?
An ethical or philosophical value that an entity has, in and of itself.
What is inherent value?
An ethical theory that determines the morality of an action based on how much the action aligns with one's duty.
What is Deontology?
The principle that Jeremy Bentham used to determine whether something was morally acceptable for the greatest number of people.
What is the Principle of Utility?
The Utilitarian name for the proposed unit to measure the extent of happiness resulting from some action.
What is a hedon?
The truth of a the premises and conclusion of a philosophical argument.
What is soundness?