In this step, a person must fully assess their present life and become certain of all things that are in their life right now.
What is raising awareness?
Those in this stage tend to blame society, the rules, or the unfairness of others for their problems and state in life. They tend to be rigid and unadaptable and are more confrontational, hostile, and openly manipulative.
What is Opposition?
The total of our beliefs, attitudes, and habits (our behaviors)
What is Personality?
A step in which the person must makes goals. The person must then act and think in accordance with their goals.
What is Long-term goals and identity?
The goals of a person in this stage include the welfare of others rather than goals being self-serving. They feel in control of their lives, but often feel that they have over-committed and are in risk of failure if they slow down. Most of their decisions are based on what is best for society and their organization.
What is emergency?
In order to begin the escape from the difficulties and problems in your life, and to take control of your life, you must admit that you are the source of the problems in your life.
This is the lowest moral and behavioral state a person can function. Lying, cheating, stealing, betraying, blaming others, victimizing, and pretending are the behaviors characterizing it. Negative emotions including anger, jealousy, resentment, hatred and depression dominate. Relationships are exploitative.
What is disloyalty?
This keeps your behavior, attitudes, and beliefs from changing. They tell you others are wrong and you are right.
What are defense mechanisms?
What is Helping Others?
What is Danger?
You have to choose to trust yourself and what is in this program to help yourself. Also, you have to choose to trust others in the same situation as you.
What is trust?
People in this stage know when they have hurt others or themselves and feel responsible for it. Low self-esteem, guilt, and feelings of inadequacy often predominate. While they seem to "let down" others and self frequently, they recognize they are the source of the problem.
What is Injury?
An overwhelming desire for anything
What is an addiction?
The main goal of this step is never giving up. In this step you are told to never concede or admit that failure is valid after you resist it. However, a person is asked to concede mistakes and always learn from them.
What is commit to change?
Few persons reach this state where a person sees others as an extension of self. In this stage, a person's identity fuses with others as well as a social cause. Doing the right things, in the right ways, is a primal concern.
What is Grace?
For this step, you must become adaptable to circumstances and conditions in which you find yourself. You must come to understand that your beliefs often get in the way of your happiness and that you must learn how the world operates.
What is acceptance?
A person in this stage may lie, cheat, and steal, but they are not sure if they should. They typically have no long-term goals and usually don't know if there is a direction that is right for them. They show rapidly changing beliefs and basic uncertainty about other people. Some times not sure whether they should or can change.
What is Uncertainty?
A term psychologists use to describe the consciousness.
What is the ego?
Come to recognize the negative, unethical attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors in you. Recognize them and then work to systematically eliminate them.
What is maintain positive change?
People who experience this state have incorporated their identity into how they live their lives. Their identity nearly always involves the welfare of others. They often become involved in social causes and have genuine concern for others. They give great consideration to their own conduct and are not quick to judge others.
What is Normal?
In this step, you must begin to repair the injury that you have caused to others and yourself by assessing all the important relationships in your life and then start working to repair them.
What is healing damaged relationships?
Those in this stage do not have a firm sense of identity and do not feel connected to the world. They often feel little purpose in their life, but do not feel responsible for what happens to them. While they feel somewhat alienated, they can have satisfying relationships.
What is Non-Existence?
The unconscious part of your ego that is enclosed deep inside the ego. An amazing, fantastic storage area in your ego that contains all of your potential as a human being.
What is the inner self?
What is short-term goals and consistency?
A cognitive-behavioral, step-by-step treatment strategy designed to enhance self-image, promote growth of a positive, productive identity and facilitate the development of higher stages of moral reasoning.
What is Moral Reconation Therapy?