key to joy
vocab. ch. 3
freedom 1
freedom 2
Two of Aquinas' 4 classical substitutes for God.
What are
The difference between a human act and act of a human.
What is a human act is performed with both knowledge and free will, whereas acts of a human are act that are accomplished without knowledge or deliberation?
Right conduct _________ the human being and wrong moral conduct ____________ him.
What is perfects and degrades?
1.__________ levels of freedom=1.____________level of morality and 2.__________level of freedom=2._______morality
What is high and low?
Jesus was a. a relativist, or b. an absolutist.
What is b. an absolutist?
Two of Aquinas' four classical substitutes for God.
What are
The lack of required knowledge.
What is ignorance?
The differences between humans and animals is that humans have an___________ and a ________.
What is an intellect and a will?
The way to acquire and grow in freedom is by exercising _______________.
What is responsibility?
The explanation of the compass exercise we did in class.
What is we all pointed different directions, but there is and ONLY CAN BE one North. We may all have our opinions, but there is one absolute truth.
According to Fr. Barron, attachment to any of these 4 substitutes for God can become this.
What is an addiction?
The clear and deliberate knowledge of the merit or sinfulness of an action. It is required as a condition before a person can be guilty of sin.
What is full knowledge?
These two elements are necessary for an act to be a human act (a moral or immoral act).
What are knowledge and free will?
"The freedom we have is the freedom to establish a loving relationship with Jesus Christ through the action of the ____________ ____________.
What is Holy Spirit?
The definition of relativism.
What is a theory or ideology that holds that conceptions of truth & moral values are not absolute but are relative to the persons or groups holding them?
Not being attached to material things.
What is detachment?
Knowledge that is obscured by the presence of some obstacle interfering with moral judgment.
What is partial knowledge?
What the gospel of John says about truth and freedom.
What is: "The truth will make you free."?
The more we are conformed to _____________________, the freer we are, because we are being who we were made to be.
What is God's will?
The implications of relativism for our world.
What is--when people don't hold to one absolute truth and one absolute moral standard of right and wrong, this leads to an attitude of "anything goes" because our "truth" is coming from internal sources (us) instead of an external source (God) and therefore WE dilusionally determine what is right and wrong. This would eventually lead to moral chaos.?
The definition of conspicuous consumption.
What is the spending of $ and the acquiring of luxury goods or services to publicly display economic power.
The demand for and account of one's acts before oneself and before a superior authority; it includes accepting the consequences of one's actions.
What is responsibility?
The difference between free will and true freedom.
What is free will is the power/ability we have given as a gift from God, to choose what we do--we can choose good or evil. True freedom is being free from all attachment to things of this world and from all sin, and living the way we were created to live by following God's commandments.
______________ helps us see the truth more clearly and gives us required strength to conquer our passions.
What is grace?
The idea from logic that states that something cannot both be and not be at the same time in the same way.
What is the Principal of Non-Contradiction?