A habitual and firm disposition to do the good
theological virtues?
What are faith, hope and charity/love?
A person drives the speed limit because they see a police car in the distance... [level of moral maturity?]
pre-conventional morality
negative effect on self or others
What is Immoral?
Which virtue is the building block or foundation of all the other virtues?
Virtue that is at the service of social harmony
What is Justice?
Enables us (practical judgement) to choose the good
What is Prudence?
A young person acts one way around adults and slips into a different code of behavior when they are with their peer group. [level of moral maturity]
has a positive or negative effect but the person making the decision has no way of knowing
What is Amoral?
Social Scientist: Pre-Conventional, Conventional, Post-Conventional Levels of Morality
Who is Lawrence Kohlberg?
truth that changes based on each person (esp. feelings/opinions)
subjective truth
Enables us to give to God and to others what is due
What is Justice?
Virtues that are rooted in God and reflect God's presence in our lives.
What are the "theological virtues"?
moral decisions based on group norms
What is Conventional Morality?
Movement to encourage "inner harmony" in early 1830's...
American Temperance Movement
meaning of the word "cardinal"
Enables us (self-discipline) to control our passions, leads to inner harmony
What is Temperance?
The teaching authority of the Church
I don't vape because it is morally wrong, I know it is harmful to my body which I am called to respect and take care of. What is this level of moral maturity?
What is post-conventional maturity?
Lutheran theologian who came up with "cheap" vs "costly" grace...
Who is Dietrich Bonhoeffer?
what is the "cornerstone" virtue?
Enables us to trust in God, calls us into action, is ACTIVE not PASSIVE
What is Hope?
Two scriptural sources for moral guidelines...
Ten Commandments & Beatitudes
Two gifts did God give us in our humanity to help us exercise morality
What are the Intellect and Free Will?
two-way relationship with God where you show God you love him by the way you act
What is "costly grace"?