This teacher teaches you how to cook
Mrs. Marshall
What are Moravia's old colors
red white and blue
Mr. Cochran has been our principle for how many years?
4 years
What ghost haunts the school
The lady from the bathroom in the multi
This years homecoming king and queen
Layla Ewing, Tucker Selix
What teacher taught art before Mrs. Pregon
Brenda Cloyde
Where was the old elementary at
The little league fields
What teacher is a professional bowler
Mr. Cook
Who teaches you chants before a test
Mrs. Fulton
Where do the high school teachers like to sit in the morning
The bench
Name all of our schools elementary teachers (grade teachers)
Whitney, Vandermark, Reynolds, Robinson, Havard, Davis, Davis, Smith
What year was Moravia schools founded
How long has Mrs. Nelson been teaching at Moravia
22 years
Name our married staff members
The V's, The Whitneys, The Havards, The Swensons, The Robinson's x2, Ewing's, Helmicks
Which High School teacher is a twin
Shaye Brewer
Which teacher is related to Mr. Cochran
Mrs. Carson
What was the room above the stage used as before storage
Weight room
Name of the first professional women's basketball player from Moravia
Molly Bolin
What percent of your grade is formative, what percent is summative and what percent is your semester test
formative: 30 summative: 55 semester test: 15
What family is the victory bell in honor of
The Whitlows
What teacher is certified to teach Health/P.E. but isn't
Mrs. V
How many years was Sally Johnson in education
44 years
Where did everyone eat lunch before the multi was built
The stage
What is Mrs. V's maiden name
Name all the staff members in Moravia that are alumni
(100 points for each name)
Nicole, Allison, Shaye, Rachael, Tasha, Tristan, Landon, Callie, Bailey, Cherish, Keith, Trish