This Huge Demon is known to be Chaotic Evil, to have tentacles and multiple heads, is the embodiment of chaos, madness and destruction, and is also the name of a different evil creature in a very famous Sci-fi Netflix series.
What is a Demogorgon?
This 3rd level AOE Evocation spell, can do 8d6 fire damage to every creature in its range.
What is Fireball?
Kensai, Open Hand and Shadow are subclasses to this class.
What is a Monk?
This race has the ability Hellish Resistance which gives them resistance to fire damage.
What is a Tiefling?
This background also allows you to be a Pirate due to it being similar in profession.
What is a Sailor?
This Gargantuan Monstrosity cannot be killed nor can it be damaged by fire, poison; bludgeoning, piercing and slashing from nonmagical attacks.
What is a Tarrasque?
This 1st level Sorcerer and Wizard spell can never miss a target.
What is Magic Missile?
A devil can be a patron to this Warlock subclass.
What is Fiend?
This is the only race that is a celestial being.
What is an Aasimar?
This background has you understand wealth, power, and privilege.
What is a Noble?
This Chaotic Evil creature is known to be extremely old (800-1000 years old), breathe fire, and have lairs that they keep their gold and treasures.
What is an Ancient Red Dragon?
This 3rd level spell allows a creature to stop another creature's spell as a reaction.
What is Counterspell?
Wild Magic is a subclass for the Sorcerer class, but it is also the subclass to this martial class.
What is Barbarian?
This race has the ability Relentless Endurance that gives them 1 hit point when they go down to 0 hit points.
What is a Half-Orc?
The Criminal background gain the tool proficiencies of one type of gaming set and ______ tools.
What is theives'?
This villain is a powerful lich who's hand and eye are both legendary magic items is a playable character in a very popular horror game.
Who is Vecna?
This 2nd level Cleric spell allows you to create a spectral weapon for 1 minute, as a bonus action, that can attack on your bonus action.
This Paladin Oath is gained by destroying their previous Oath and possibly following a new evil one.
What is Oathbreaker?
This is the only race in D&D that can have the size of Tiny.
What is a Fairy?
The Hermit background (a background known for their sheltered community) have the skill proficiencies of Medicine and _______.
What is Religion?
This villain is a powerful devil, known to be the Lord of Lies and the Prince of Evil, he is one of the rulers of the Nine Hells and is also another name for the Devil.
Who is Asmodeus?
This cantrip allows you to fix any broken or torn object that is no longer than 1 foot in any dimension.
What is Mending?
This Ranger subclass allows you to have a animal companion fight with you.
What is Beast Master/Beast Master Conclave?
This race has disadvantage on Perception checks while they are out in the sun, but can see perfectly fine in the darkest of shadow.
What is a Drow/Dark Elf?
This background has the feature "Guild Membership".
What is a Guild Artisan/Guild Merchant?