General info

How many people followed the 2018 World Cup final? (in English of course)

700 million people watched the final of the 2018 World Cup. [seven hundred million]


Match the sport to the athlete (make sentences)

* Athletes: Muhammad Ali, Billie Jean King, Lebron James, Colin Kaepernick, Simone Biles

* Sports: Basketball, Gymnastics, Tennis, Boxing, American Football

Muhammad Ali practises boxing.

Billie Jean King plays tennis.

Lebron James is an iconic basketball player.

Colin Kaepernick is famous for American football.

Simone Biles dominates in gymnastics.


What is the most played sport in the USA? In the UK? In France?

USA > Basketball

UK > Swimming

France > Soccer


Classify these athletes from oldest to youngest (make sentences).

>Colin Kaepernick, Lebron James, Simone Biles, Billie Jean King, Muhammad Ali.

The oldest athlete is Muhammad Ali, then Billie Jean King is the second oldest. Lebron James is a little younger than them. The youngest athlete is Simone Biles who is 10 years older than Kaepernick who is the second youngest.

Ali / King / James / Kaepernick / Biles


What is the most watched sport in the USA? In the UK? In France?

USA > American football

France and the UK > Soccer


What do these athletes all have in common?

All these athletes took a stand / defended important causes / spoke up about important issues. They are all famous for using their platform to advocate for causes.


What happened at the 1968 Olympic Games?

Tommie Smith and John Carlos won the gold and bronze medal (first and third place) and decided to raise their fists in the air during the American national anthem (to protest against the discrimination of Black people in the USA)


Which causes do the athletes defend? List 3 at least.

- Protesting against the Vietnam war > Muhammad Ali

- Defending racial equality / denouncing racial injustice (=racism) > Muhammad Ali, Lebron James, Colin Kaepernick

- Fighting against sexism (equality of men and women) > Billie Jean King

- Promote access to education and sports > Lebron James

- Speaking up about sexual abuse > Simone Biles
