How long does it take for Earth to make one revolution around itself?
24 hours
What is the connection between the moon and the Jewish tradition?
The jewish calendar is lunar.
What is the first month according to the Torah?
What time does a new day start in the Jewish tradition
At sundown
What month is Tzom Gedaliah in?
How long does it take for the earth for the earth to make a revolution around the sun?
(*Exact number=Bonus)
365 (.25- bonus 100 points)
How much time (in days) does it take for the moon to make a revolution around the earth?
29.5 days
What is the first month according to the Jewish calendar?
What time does a day end in the Jewish tradition?
Is Chanukkah from the torah?
No its derabanan.
Why is it that when it is morning in Toronto it is night in Israel?
This is because the sun only lights up half of the earth at a time and these places are in opposite halves. The sun doesn't move and the earth constantly turns.
On ג' בחודש what does the moon look like?
Waining crescent.
What are the three different types of months
Hebrew months
Caananites months
Babylonian months
What is Seforno's opinion on how to set the time?
He says you should set it according to your schedule/Set your own time because we are free and no taskmaster can control our time.
True or false:
Yom kippur and shavuot are from the torah.
What is the season when the country across the world from Canada is in Winter?
What stage is the moon on ראש חודש?
New moon.
Who decides the new months according to the Rambam?
People with experience in court/Judges
What does Rav Hirsch say about the consecration of the new moon?
He says it is an institution for the periodical fresh spiritual and moral rejuvenation of Israel.
What is Chag LaHashem in the Torah?
What do we do to concecrate the new moon?
We say the blessing birkat halevanah.
What stage is the moon at on טו' בחודש
Full moon
When Hashem told Moses and Aaron in Egypt that this month shall mark _____ the beginning of the moths: it shall be the first of the months of the year _______.
"For you"
From what day until what day in the Jewish month can we say birkat halevanah?
From the 7th to the 15th.
What is special about the shloshet haregalim in terms of their origin?
They are all from the torah.