finish the lyrics
you told me that you wish i was somebody you never met...
but baby,baby something tellin me this aint over yet
how old is he...
true or false
is Wallen adopted...
what is wallens most popular song...
last night
finish the lyrics
I ma need some whiskey glasses cause i dont wanna see the truth...
she's probably making out on the couch rigth now with someone new
true or false
morgan wallen went to court...
when was last night released
finish the lyrics
the sunday morning still asleep traded angels...
for my demons i ain't lonely since you're leaving
how many sibling do wallen have...
3 sisters
is morgan wallen married...
no is not merried
finish the lyrics
ain't nobody sellin'nothing you proof...
somethin stronger than i'm used to
why did morgan wallen go to court...
He had been charged for throwing a chair from the rooftop
what is morgan middle name...
finish the lyrics
red necks red letters red dirt one light one bar...
one chuch where the lord gets thanked and the shine gets drank
before wallen be came a musician what did he dream of being...
becoming a professional athlete
what color are his eyes...