The Giver
Fahrenheit 451
Film analysis

At the beginning of Pleasantville, the TV repairman immediately shows up after the remote breaks and gives a strange remote to David. Along with the thunder and lighting, this literary element suggests that something is going to happen. 

What is foreshadow?


Both societies rely on this to keep the society perfect and in order.

What is sameness and routine?


Neither of these societies have access to these, which limits their knowledge.

What are books?


Once people in Pleasantville start changing color, some businesses have signs up that say: "No coloreds." Additionally, people in the community are violently protesting with riots and book burning. These scenes allude to what times in history?

What are the Civil Rights Movement and the Holocaust?


During the town hall meeting, the mayor claims that Pleasantville is supposed to be pleasant. However, it is the "pleasant" (non-colored) people who are causing chaos and destroying things. This is an example of

What is irony?


After going out with Mary Sue, Skip looks at a flower and starts to see this color. Similarly in The Giver, Jonas is tossing a fruit and starts to see that same color Skip saw. 

What is red?


In both societies, the citizens never do this, suggesting that they don't have any relaxation time and are too focused on routine.

What is thinking?


In the courtroom in Pleasantville, Bud suggests to his father that maybe it's not just the cooking and cleaning that he misses about his wife, but maybe it's something deeper and more meaningful. This strong emotion that Bud's father is unaware of is an example of how no one is really aware of their true feelings in this town.

What is love?
