The Church is...
the body of Christ (the new people of God called together in Christ.)
The Church as four essential characteristics called....
the Marks of the Church
What are the four Marks of the Church?
The Kingdom of God is...
all people and creation living in communion with God at the end of time.
Hell is...
the eternal separation from God.
The Communion of Saints is...
all of the faithful believers in Christ.
Who is the pastor of the Church on Earth?
The Pope
In Purgatory...
the faithful will have the opportunity to purify their love for God before entering Heaven.
What happens at the moment of our death?
Our lives will be judged by God.
The clergy includes...
bishops, priests, and deacons
What was Pope John Paul II's name before he became the Pope?
Karol Wojtyla
One of the Marks of the Church- Catholic- means universal which means that...
the Church reaches out to all people.
What is the responsibility of the laity (or the lay faithful?)
They have the responsibility to serve the world as Jesus did.
What makes the Church holy?
Sharing in the life of the Holy Trinity
What happens at the Final Judgement?
All who have been faithful to God will be called forth to live in Heaven.
The Church is made up of what three groups?
the lay faithful, the ordained, and the consecrated members
What does Catholic Relief Services do?
Provides help to people during emergencies and helps to fight disease.
They preach the Gospel by their actions.
Why is the Church called the Body of Christ?
Because Christ is the Head of His Body, the Church. All of the faithful are the members of the Church.
Where was Pope John Paul II born?
How many languages did Pope John Paul II speak?
Pope John Paul II almost died after being shot. What did he die from in 2005?
The flu
When is Pope John Paul II's feast day?
October 22
Mother, sister, brother, father.
What did PJP II enjoy doing?
Sports, outdoors, acting, traveling
What quote was PJP II famous for saying?