Missionary Service
Church Presidents
Book of Mormon
A worthy member of the Church who is at least 12 years old may participate in this sacred ordinance.
What is baptism for the dead?
This is the length of time every able and worthy young man is to serve as a full-time missionary.
What is 2 years?
This President dedicated 85 temples during his time as an Apostle, First Presidency Counselor, and Church President. He's dedicated more temples than any other Church President.
Who is Gordon B Hinkley?

The Book of Mormon is another testament of this person. He is mentioned or referred to approximately 3,925 times in the Book of Mormon.

Who is Jesus Christ?

This man was the youngest church president in our dispensation at 25 years old. He was visited by the Father and the Son when he was a young teenager.
Who is Joseph Smith, Jr.?
This ordinance, that is performed in the temple, is essential in order to receive the blessing of an eternal family.
What is a Temple Marriage (Temple Sealing)?
This Book of Mormon Prophet/Missionary suffered death by fire. He only converted one person but that person later became a prophet.
Who is Abinadi
This prophet is often referred to as the "American Moses" due to his leadership of the pioneers to the Salt Lake Valley. He also was the longest president of the church serving for 30 years.
Who is Brigham Young?

Moroni invites us to read, ponder, and pray to ask God if the Book of Mormon is true in these verses.

What is Moroni 10:3-5?

On September 21, 1823 Joseph Smith knelt down in prayer and received the first of this number of visits from the Angel Moroni that night.
What is 3?
This historic temple was the first temple started in Utah but was the fourth one finished. It took 40 years to build.
What is the Salt Lake Temple?
This man helped Alma the younger destroy the church, was visited by an angel, repented and then served a 14 year mission. He helped convert King Lamoni and his Father.
Who is Ammon?
This president of the church was U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Secretary of Agriculture.
Who is Ezra Taft Benson?
This man hid sacred records in the HIll Cumorah after receiving them from his father. As an angel, he guarded them for centuries.
Who is Moroni?
The Jesus Christ's restored church was officially organized in a log farm belonging to peter Whitmer, Sr. in Fayette, New York on this date.
What is April 6, 1830?
This is the Church's tallest temple. It's east spire reaches 280 feet.
What is the Washington D.C. Temple?
The first mormon missionaries sent outside the U.S. were sent to this country.
What is Canada?
These 2 men are the only modern presidents that have been father and son.
Who are Joseph F Smith and Joseph Fielding Smith? (who was the father and who was the son?)

There are this many books in the Book of Mormon.

What are 15?


There are this many official witnesses of the Book of Mormon

What is 11?

This is the most commonly asked question at the Salt Lake Temple Visitors Center.
Where is the bathroom?

According to our most recent General Conference, there are this many full-time missionaries currently serving.

What is 67,000?

This church president was the first president born in Utah on November 22, 1856 in Salt Lake City.
Who is Heber J Grant?
In addition to receiving 16 stones that were touched by the Lord to provide light, the Jaredites were blessed with a furious wind blowing them towards the promised land. These blessings helped make it possible for them to survive a journey that lasted this many days.
What is 344?
During the translation of the Book of Mormon, Martin Harris borrowed a portion to show members of his family. This number of pages was lost due to this occurrence.
What is 116?