Que es un cara en Ingles
What do you do when your alarm clock first goes off in Spanish?
What wakes you up in the morning in Spanish
El reloj
What kind of chores do you do when you get home?
Your call (In Spanish though)
What are you wearing currently (en Espanol)
Your choice
What is hair in Spanish?
What does it mean to take shower en Espanol
What is rubber duck in Espanol?
pato de goma
What is "To make your bed" in Spanish
What is pants in Spanish?
what is knee in spanish
What are two verbs you can say when you are getting out of bed
Despiertar y levantar
What is shower in Spanish?
Translate "Cepillarse los dientes" into english
Brush your teeth
What attire should you wear to a fancy restaurant in Spanish
El traje o vestido
Translate this sentence "¡Me rompí el cráneo!"
I broke my skull!
If your hair is dirty, what are the steps to making it clean again in Espanol?
Step 1: Lavarse to pelo
Step 2: Secarse tu pelo
Step 3: Cepillarse o peinarse tu pelo
Translate this sentence into English "¿Está funcionando tu refrigerador?"
Is your refrigerator running?
Translate "I make my bed every morning" into Spanish
Hago mi cama cada manana
What do you what if you're going to run a marathon in Spanish?
La camiseta, pantalones cortos, y zapatos de tenis
¿Qué dos partes del cuerpo usas para cantar?
La Boca y la Garganta
¿Qué usas para prevenir el acné después de lavarte la cara?
crema anti-biótica
What is "I'll wash my face with this towel" in Spanish?
Me lavare la cara con esta toalla
Wash the Dishes
Walk the dog
Take out the trash
Restock the Fridge
Lavar los platos
Pasear al perro
Sacar la basura
Reabastecer la nevera
What is sash en Espanol?
La Faja