Lunch This Week

This chili is actually a jalapeno that's been preserved and takes on a new flavor and color. It's also the name of a "healthy" fast food chain.

What is chipotle? 

Monday Lunch: creamy chicken chipotle pasta


Because this test is going on this week, we all need to watch our noise level while outside.

What is the ERBs?


Achiote is a red-colored paste that comes from annatto seeds. It is used a lot in indigenous cooking in what part of the world?

What is Mexico/Central America/the Americas

Tuesday lunch: Achiote chicken


This week we also have a special schedule for FCD. What does FCD actually stand for?

What is Freedom from Chemical Dependency?


____ con carne is actually the full original name of this dish. As indicated by the "carne," it is usually made with meat, though not in this week's version at school.

What is chili?

Wednesday lunch: chili con carne.


Your 8th grade portraits are also happening from Wednesday through Friday. What company does MCDS usually rely on for photos?

What is MugsyClicks?


Invented in Frankfurt, Germany, the frankfurter serves as the origin of what common food item found in many places all over MURRICA?

What is a HAWT DAWG

Thursday lunch: Hot dogs

There is a Mathlete's competition this week! What is the common name for the numeral system that we largely use in the present day?
What are arabic numerals?

Friday's lunch is mesquite chicken. What, exactly, is mesquite?

What is a type of tree/wood?

Friday lunch: mesquite chicken.


Congrats to our basketball teams for great seasons! We are looking forward to boys' volleyball and girls' soccer starting up soon. Speaking of soccer, what famous British college is largely credited with creating the rules that more or less helped create the version of soccer/football enjoyed around the world today?

What is Cambridge?
