Rhewar's favourite month-day event
A man who presses the gas and the brake pedal simultaniously.
What is a Grummle's most prized personal possession?
Who says the quote *Bard chimes noises*
In a yellow bus with 40 children, on the first stop 10 children get out, on the second one 9, on the third 21 and the fourth 7. What color are the eyes of the bus driver?
dumbasses they green innit.
What is the whitest thing about a black person?
The handcuffs
A bear tank that died IRL mid progression monkaW
Where was Dalaran originally located in the Eastern Kingdoms?
Hillsbrad Foothills
Who says the quote "The inferno begins."
x - 4 = 10
x = 14
What is the difference between a black man and a white man
The black man has my purse
The essence that should probably be saved for burn phase on ashvane.
Condensed Life-Force
What are the final words from this Headless Horseman quote: 'It is over, your search is done! Let fate choose now, ...'
Who says the quote "They disgrace the art of war. "
2x - 4 = 10
x = 7
How do you blindfold a Chinese person?
Put floss over their eyes.
Which spec does morning enjoy playing most on warrior?
The one that does the most damage.
Which night elf was appointed the jailor of Illidan Stormrage?
Maiev Shadowsong
Who says the quote "Seems you left your brave pants at home. Want me to wait while you go get them?"
2(3x - 7) + 4 (3 x + 2) = 6 (5 x + 9 ) + 3
What is the problem of being faster then the speed of light?
You can only live in total darkness.
Finish the quote "Good.."
Who became the Lich King after Arthas was defeated?
Bolvar Fordragon
Who says the quote "Insolent peasants!"
Solve the equation
Its an impossible equation named Vizing's conjecture.