Small Talk
Snack Time

It is 9:20AM. You are seeing your students for the first time. What greeting should you use?

Good Morning!

A student arrives and is not wearing their backpack.

What should you ask?

Where is your backpack?

Did you leave your backpack at home?

Did you leave your backpack on the bus?


It is 9:25AM. You are collecting your class from the library. What should you command?

Line up!

Follow me!


It is 35 Degrees outside. Your students are sweating.
What could you say?

It's so hot today, isn't it?

Are you too warm?

Should I turn on the Air Conditioner?


It's snack time. Your students have decided to make their hands filthy. We should do something about that.
What should we say?

Go wash your hands!
Use soap and water!


It is 12:40PM. Your Foreign Teacher has arrived back from Lunch. How should you greet them in front of the children?

Good Afternoon ______ Teacher!


A student is very excited to talk to you on Monday morning. What should you ask?

What did you do this weekend?

Did you have fun this weekend?

What did you do?

What else did you do?

The students have brought their blue book bags to the classroom. What should you command?

Please give me your book bags! 

Please put your book bags over here!

Please put your bags in a pile!

(You don't NEED to use "please")


It's 2 degrees outside. For some reason, the window is open. Your students are shivering. What could you say?

It's so cold today, isn't it?

Are you warm enough?

The students are hungry. Luckily, you have some food for them. What should you ask?

Who would like some (name of food)?
Would you like some (name of food)?
Here try some (name of food)!


It is the first time you're talking to someone on Monday. What should you ask?

How was your weekend?

A student is covered in water, and it is not raining outside. What should you ask?

What happened?

Why are you wet?

Did your water bottle spill?


It is cold outside, but 35C inside the classroom. The students are wearing long coats.

At least 1 student has said "Teacher, hot!"

What should you command?

Take off your jacket!

Take off your coat!

Hang up your jackets!

Hang up your coats!


You see a student frowning or moping as they come into the classroom.

What should you ask?

Are you okay?
What's wrong?
What's the matter?


Some students are still hungry, and you have more snacks. What could you say?

Are you still hungry?

Would you like some more (name of food)?


A student arrives at school, and looks sick. How could you greet them?

How are you feeling? 

Are you feeling well?


It is Monday morning, and a student did not hand in their homework. What should you ask?

Where is your homework?

Did you leave your homework at home?

Is your homework in your backpack?

Did you do your homework?


The class is about to begin, and your students do not have their supplies ready. What should you command?

Get your books!
Get your pencils!
Get ready for class!


It's a typhoon outside. The students are dripping wet.
What could you say?

It's so rainy!

Did you stay dry?
Do you have an umbrella?


Your students have finished eating, and have toothpicks (or other trash) on their desks. What could you say?

Throw away your toothpicks please!
Clean up!
Throw away your trash!
Give me your trash!

A greeting for any time of day.



How are you


It is 3 minutes before classes start.
What should you ask the students?

Did you use the bathroom?

Did you drink water?

Do you have your book?

Do you have your pencil?


It is almost time for the first class to start.
What should you command?

Use the bathroom before class!
Drink water now!


Your students have forgotten what day it is.
What could you say?

Today is _____day!
This morning we have ______class.
Later we have ______ class.
Are you excited?


Your students are eating with poor manners.
What should you say?

Chew with your mouth closed!
Don't talk with your mouth full!
Don't make a mess!
Don't play with your food!
