Everyone on this planet is told to repent (vs 34)
Who inviteth and enticeth to do good continually? (vs 13)
According to verse 11, what kind of water fountain cannot bring forth good water?
A bitter fountain
What do you gain if you don't pray with real intent? (vs 6)
Charity is known as the pure love of ... (vs 47)
This verse refers to those who have a sufficient hope to enter into this place (vs 3)
The rest of the Lord
This person is speaking in verse 1
Be careful you don't judge this way (vs 18)
Judge wrongfully
If you have this, then all would be in vain (vs 37)
Does charity suffer long or short? (vs 45)
In verse 19, "ye should search diligently in [___] that ye may know good from evil;"
the light of Christ
This person is speaking in verse 2
This is given to everyone to know good from evil (vs 16)
The Spirit of Christ
Mormon says our state is awful if we don't have this (vs 38)
Faith in Christ
What does charity never do? (vs 46)
Never fails
President Dallin H. Oaks: “The reason charity never fails... it is not an act but a condition or state of being. Charity is something one becomes”
God will continue to work for our salvation as long as there are this many people left on the earth (vs 36)
By faith, who can appear and minister? (vs 37)
How can you know if something is from God? (vs 16)
"every thing which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, "
If you serve this person, then you cannot also serve Christ (vs 11)
The devil
If you don't have charity, what are you? (vs 44)
Where did Moroni say this chapter's sermon was originally given? (vs 1)
A synagogue
In the Christmas Who episode of Spongebob Squarepants, this is what Patrick wishes for Christmas but instead got a clock
Another piece of paper
How can you know if something is from the devil? (vs 17)
"whatsoever thing persuadeth men to do evil, and believe not in Christ, and deny him, and serve not God, "
How long does the devil take breaks from fighting God? (vs 12)
Never. He fights continually against God.
Charity endures for this length of time (vs 47)